One of the most decisive factors influencing the learning of a second language (L2/FL) seems to be learner motivation. Studies into motivation and L2/FL learning abound, but studies specifically targeting the role of language learning motivation in CLIL are scarce. This chapter will further illuminate this relationship. The chapter accounts for the theoretical underpinnings of motivation research, primarily in the form of the L2 Motivational Self System (L2MSS; Dörnyei 2005, 2009), but also integrative and instrumental motivation (Gardner & Lambert 1959). Further, an overview of existing studies on motivation and CLIL is presented. The chapter ends with a discussion on the pedagogical implications of previous research and how to move forward with CLIL, language learning and motivation.
Article outline
Theoretical perspectives on motivation and language learning
Motivation in CLIL and L2/FL classrooms
Studies on CLIL/immersion and motivation
Interpreting research on motivation in CLIL: The CLISS project
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