Two commonly used activities in second language
(L2) writing classes are collaborative writing and peer response.
Our study compared the quantity and quality of languaging generated
by these two activities. In this study, conducted in Saudi Arabia,
34 college English language learners worked in the same
self-selected small groups (predominantly pairs) on three successive
activities. They completed a collaborative writing task, provided
written feedback on a text written by another group, and revised
their text in response to the peer feedback received. Analysis of
recorded talk during these three activities found that the
collaborative writing activity generated more languaging episodes
than the other activities. We discuss the implications of these
findings for L2 writing pedagogy and propose research
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Carr, Nicholas
2023. Feedback on writing through the lens of activity theory: An exploration of changes to peer-to-peer interactions. Assessing Writing 56 ► pp. 100720 ff.
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