Chapter 2
L2 writing and L2 learning: Transfer, self-regulation, and identities
Can aspects of a second language (L2) be learned through writing the language? Research addressing
this question has focused on (a) the transfer of knowledge and skills; (b) attention, self-regulation, knowledge
consolidation, or collaboration while composing; or (c) development of identities within particular discourse
communities and complex dynamic systems. This chapter reviews research and theories from these three perspectives,
which suggest 10 tentative claims about diverse ways in which L2 writing may foster L2 learning. These claims are
analyzed from the perspectives of behaviorist, cognitive, sociocultural, and complexity theories of learning.
Article outline
- Transfer of knowledge and skills
- L2 learning while composing
- Identities in discourse communities
- Ten claims and relevant theories of learning
- Behaviorist theories of learning
- Cognitive theories of learning
- Sociocultural theories of learning
- Complexity theories of learning
- Summary thoughts
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