Given the current contextual focus on the cognitive processes employed during L2 written production
in ISLA with a focus on L2 writing-to-learn in relation to written corrective feedback (WCF), this
chapter provides (1) a description of the curricular context in which the writing-to-learn
perspective lies, together with its associated learning outcomes and assumed pedagogical ramifications derived from
empirical research; (2) a succinct review of theoretical underpinnings postulated to account for cognitive processes
employed during the phase of addressing WCF; (3) a critical report of L2 WCF studies premised on these underpinnings,
their curricular association, and potential pedagogical extrapolations; and (4) a curricular approach that involves
potential directions for future research premised on understanding and promoting such processes during this writing
process in relation to L2 development.
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2022. A classroom-based study on the effects of WCF on accuracy in pen-and-paper versus computer-mediated collaborative writing. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching 12:4 ► pp. 623 ff.
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Leow, Ronald P. & Meagan Driver
2021. Cognitive Theoretical Perspectives of Corrective Feedback. In The Cambridge Handbook of Corrective Feedback in Second Language Learning and Teaching, ► pp. 65 ff.
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