
 | University of Helsinki
ISBN 9789027238207 | EUR 110.00 | USD 165.00
ISBN 9789027238252 | EUR 33.00 | USD 49.95
ISBN 9789027273055 | EUR 110.00/33.00*
| USD 165.00/49.95*
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Mongolian is the principal language spoken by some five million ethnic Mongols living in Outer and Inner Mongolia, as well as in adjacent parts of Russia and China. The spoken language is divided into a number of mutually intelligible dialects, while for writing two separate written languages are used: Cyrillic Khalkha in Outer Mongolia (the Republic of Mongolia) and Written Mongol in Inner Mongolia (P. R. China). In this grammatical description, the focus is on the standard varieties of the spoken language, as used in broadcasting, education, and everyday casual speech. The dialectology of the language, and its background as a member of the Mongolic language family, are also discussed.

Mongolian is an agglutinating language with a well-developed suffixal morphology. In the areal framework, the language is a typical member of the trans-Eurasian Ural-Altaic complex with features such as vowel harmony, verb-final sentence structure, and complex chains of non-finite verbal phrases.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 9 November 2012
Table of Contents
“This Mongolian grammar is unique in the sense that it is written from a dialect neutral perspective, emphasizing properties that are common to the dialects, but also pointing out the differences. [...] It is rather a discussion about grammatical phenomena intended for those, linguists, Mongolists and others, who want to find out what is known about the grammar of different variants of Mongolian. For them it is an excellent source of knowledge.”
Cited by (27)

Cited by 27 other publications

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Peters, Sable Andrew
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2023. A pseudo-sluicing analysis of reduced embedded questions in Chakhar Mongolian. Journal of East Asian Linguistics 32:4  pp. 497 ff. DOI logo
Gong, Zhiyu Mia
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Toquero-Pérez, Luis Miguel
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Wu, Tana
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Zhou, Chenlei
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Brosig, Benjamin, Foong Ha Yap & Kathleen Ahrens
2021. Assertion, presumption and presupposition. Studies in Language  pp. 896 ff. DOI logo
Zhang, Dongbing
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Fong, Suzana
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2018. Constructionalization areas. In Grammaticalization Meets Construction Grammar [Constructional Approaches to Language, 21],  pp. 241 ff. DOI logo
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Nichols, Johanna
2016. Morphology in Typology. In The Cambridge Handbook of Morphology,  pp. 710 ff. DOI logo
Baranov, Vlada V.
2015. Negation Markers in Kalmyk. SSRN Electronic Journal DOI logo
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2017. The Transeurasian Languages. In The Cambridge Handbook of Areal Linguistics,  pp. 586 ff. DOI logo
Rykin, Pavel
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[no author supplied]
2013. BOOKS RECEIVED FOR REVIEW. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 76:1  pp. 201 ff. DOI logo

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Main BIC Subject

CF/2FV: Linguistics/Mongolian

Main BISAC Subject

LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General
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U.S. Library of Congress Control Number:  2012033112 | Marc record