The rise of contrastive modality in English
A neoparametric account
This paper proposes an account of the morphosyntactic and semantic changes involved in the historical development of the English modals as a distinct category. Adopting a neoparametric approach, in which a language’s inventory of grammatical features may change over time, we show that a cluster of related surface changes can be accounted for by positing that the feature modality was added to English tense/mood system. While the most immediate manifestation of this change was the grammaticalization of the modals themselves, this in turn altered the system of contrasts in the language: in clauses without modal verbs, the absence of the modal became contrastive, narrowing the range of possible interpretations.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction and theoretical background
- 2.The phenomenon
- 2.1The starting point
- 2.2Developments in Middle English
- 2.2.1Decline of nonfinite use of modals
- 2.2.2Emergence of epistemic uses of modals
- 2.2.3Loss of the inflected subjunctive
- 2.2.4Decline of the futurate use of the present indicative
- 2.3Developments in the 16th century
- 2.3.1Loss of infinitival marker -en
- 2.3.2Loss of verb movement
- 3.Structures, before and after
- 4.The path of change
- 4.1Step 1: The decline of the subjunctive
- 4.2Step 2: The changing status of modals
- 4.3Step 3: The narrowing of the futurate present
- 4.4The endgame
- 4.4.1Infinitival marking
- 4.4.2Loss of overt verb movement
- 5.The second act: Modals in the 20th and 21st centuries
- 6.Conclusions: The neoparametric perspective and the role of contrast
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
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