Extended CMT and the dynamic systems theory of metaphor
A comparison
In the paper, I try to systematically compare what Gibbs calls the “dynamic systems view” of
metaphor with what I call “extended conceptual metaphor theory.” I suggest that both views share the assumption that
the totality of our experiences can contribute to metaphor production and comprehension. The two views also assume
that any of the experiences can prime the use of metaphors as discourse progresses. Given such similarities, I propose
that both views work well in accounting for metaphorical creativity and context-sensitivity. The most noteworthy
difference between them seems to be that while extended CMT is based on the integration of conceptual metaphors on
various levels of schematicity (such as image schemas, domains, frames), the dynamic systems view operates primarily
on the mental space level of metaphorical conceptualization.
Article outline
- Embodied metaphor versus discourse metaphor
- An informal process model
- The extended view and other theories
- Extended CMT and the dynamic systems view
- Conclusion
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