The Mental Lexicon

Volume 11, Issue 1 (2016)

2016.  iii, 160 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 7 June 2016
Table of Contents
The dual role of homophone dominance. Why homophone intrusions on regular verb forms so often go unnoticed
Nina Verhaert, Ellen Danckaert and Dominiek Sandra
Accessing Morphosyntax in L1 and L2 Word Recognition: A Priming Study of Inflected German Adjectives
Sina Bosch and Harald Clahsen
Implicit acquisition of tone-suffix connections in L2 learners of Swedish
Andrea Schremm, Pelle Söderström, Merle Horne and Mikael Roll
Transitivity in similarity judgments on German verbs: Disclosing lexical and aspectual properties of verbs
Michael Richter and Roeland van Hout
Deverbal compound comprehension in preschool children
Poliana Goncalves Barbosa and Elena Nicoladis
What the Networks Tell us about Serial and Parallel Processing: An MEG Study of Language Networks and N-gram Frequency Effects in Overt Picture
Antoine Tremblay, Elissa Asp, Anne Johnson, Malgorzata Zarzycka Migdal, Tim Bardouille and Aaron J. Newman

Main BIC Subject

CFD: Psycholinguistics

Main BISAC Subject

LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General