This study applies the computational theory of the ‘discriminative lexicon’ (Baayen, Chuang, and Blevins, 2019) to the modeling of the production of English verbs in aphasic speech. Under semantic impairment, speakers
have been reported to have greater difficulties with irregular verbs, whereas speakers with phonological impairment are described as having
greater problems with regulars. Joanisse and Seidenberg (1999) were able to model this
dissociation, but only by adding noise to the semantic units of their model. We report two simulation studies in which topographically
coherent regions of phonological and semantic networks were selectively damaged. Our model replicated the main findings, including the high
variability in the consequences of brain lesions for speech production. Importantly, our model generated these results without having to
lesion the semantic system more than the phonological system. The model’s success hinges on the use of a corpus-based distributional vector
space for representing verbs’ meanings. Irregular verbs have denser semantic neighborhoods than do regular verbs (Baayen and Moscoso del Prado Martín, 2005). In our model this renders irregular verbs more fragile under semantic
impairment. These results provide further support for the central idea underlying the discriminative lexicon: that behavioral patterns can,
to a considerable extent, be understood as emerging from the distributional properties of a language and basic principles of human
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2023. How trial-to-trial learning shapes mappings in the mental lexicon: Modelling lexical decision with linear discriminative learning. Cognitive Psychology 146 ► pp. 101598 ff.
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