Distributional semantics offers new ways to study the semantics of morphology. This study focuses on the semantics
of noun singulars and their plural inflectional variants in English. Our goal is to compare two models for the conceptualization
of plurality. One model (FRACSS) proposes that all singular-plural pairs should be taken into account when predicting plural
semantics from singular semantics. The other model (CCA) argues that conceptualization for plurality depends primarily on the
semantic class of the base word. We compare the two models on the basis of how well the speech signal of plural tokens in a large
corpus of spoken American English aligns with the semantic vectors predicted by the two models. Two measures are employed: the
performance of a form-to-meaning mapping and the correlations between form distances and meaning distances. Results converge on a
superior alignment for CCA. Our results suggest that usage-based approaches to pluralization in which a given word’s own semantic
neighborhood is given priority outperform theories according to which pluralization is conceptualized as a process building on
high-level abstraction. We see that what has often been conceived of as a highly abstract concept, [+plural], is better
captured via a family of mid-level partial generalizations.
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Cited by (6)
Cited by six other publications
Baayen, R. Harald
2024. The wompom. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 20:3 ► pp. 615 ff.
Mujezinović, Erdin, Vsevolod Kapatsinski & Ruben van de Vijver
2024. One Cue's Loss Is Another Cue's Gain—Learning Morphophonology Through Unlearning. Cognitive Science 48:5
Shafaei-Bajestan, Elnaz, Masoumeh Moradipour-Tari, Peter Uhrig & R. Harald Baayen
2024. The pluralization palette: unveiling semantic clusters in English nominal pluralization through distributional semantics. Morphology 34:4 ► pp. 369 ff.
Heitmeier, Maria, Yu-Ying Chuang & R. Harald Baayen
2023. How trial-to-trial learning shapes mappings in the mental lexicon: Modelling lexical decision with linear discriminative learning. Cognitive Psychology 146 ► pp. 101598 ff.
Nikolaev, Alexandre, Yu-Ying Chuang & R. Harald Baayen
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