Altamimi, Abdulaziz
The effects of cross-language overlap and semantic transparency on the processing of L2 collocations.
Frontiers in Psychology 15

Liu, Yanjun & Feng Xiao
Effects of Lexical Properties in L2 Chinese Compound Processing: A Multivariate Approach.
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 53:4

Filipović Đurđević, Dušica & Aleksandar Kostić
We probably sense sense probabilities.
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 38:4
► pp. 471 ff.

Tang, Kevin & Dinah Baer-Henney
Modelling L1 and the artificial language during artificial language learning.
Laboratory Phonology 14:1

Veríssimo, João
When Fixed and Random Effects Mismatch: Another Case of Inflation of Evidence in Non-Maximal Models.
Computational Brain & Behavior 6:1
► pp. 84 ff.

Mišić, Ksenija & Dušica Filipović Đurđević
Redesigning the exploration of semantic dynamics: SSD account in light of regression design.
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 75:6
► pp. 1155 ff.

Amenta, Simona, Luca Artesini, Debora Musola, Giuseppe Nicolò Frau, Francesco Vespignani & Francesco Pavani
Probing language processing in cochlear implant users with visual word recognition: effects of lexical and orthographic word properties.
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 36:2
► pp. 187 ff.

Brown, Violet A.
An Introduction to Linear Mixed-Effects Modeling in R.
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 4:1

McConnell, Kyla & Alice Blumenthal-Dramé
Usage-Based Individual Differences in the Probabilistic Processing of Multi-Word Sequences.
Frontiers in Communication 6

Miwa, Koji & Harald Baayen
Nonlinearities in bilingual visual word recognition: An introduction to generalized additive modeling.
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 24:5
► pp. 825 ff.

Schmidtke, Daniel, Julie A. Van Dyke & Victor Kuperman
CompLex: an eye-movement database of compound word reading in English.
Behavior Research Methods 53:1
► pp. 59 ff.

Veríssimo, João, Paul Verhaeghen, Noreen Goldman, Maxine Weinstein & Michael T. Ullman
Evidence that ageing yields improvements as well as declines across attention and executive functions.
Nature Human Behaviour 6:1
► pp. 97 ff.

Boll-Avetisyan, Natalie, Anjali Bhatara, Annika Unger, Thierry Nazzi & Barbara Höhle
Rhythmic grouping biases in simultaneous bilinguals.
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 23:5
► pp. 1070 ff.

Chou, Chao-Ting Tim, Tsung-Ying Chen & Acrisio Pires
Elsherif, Mahmoud Medhat, Jon C. Catling & Steven Frisson
Two words as one: A multi-naming investigation of the age-of-acquisition effect in compound-word processing.
Memory & Cognition 48:4
► pp. 511 ff.

Farzand Ahmadi, Vahid, Peyman Ziyaee, Pourya Bazyar & Eugenio Cavallo
Development and Testing of a Low-Cost Belt-and-Roller Machine for Spheroid Fruit Sorting.
AgriEngineering 2:4
► pp. 596 ff.

Lázaro, Miguel, Elisa Pérez & Rosario Martínez
Perceptual salience of derivational suffixes in visual word recognition.
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 61:3
► pp. 348 ff.

Meteyard, Lotte & Robert A.I. Davies
Best practice guidance for linear mixed-effects models in psychological science.
Journal of Memory and Language 112
► pp. 104092 ff.

Cilibrasi, Luca, Vesna Stojanovik, Patricia Riddell & Douglas Saddy
Sensitivity to Inflectional Morphemes in the Absence of Meaning: Evidence from a Novel Task.
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 48:3
► pp. 747 ff.

Perret, Cyril & Patrick Bonin
Which variables should be controlled for to investigate picture naming in adults? A Bayesian meta-analysis.
Behavior Research Methods 51:6
► pp. 2533 ff.

Chen, Xiaocong, Yanping Dong & Xiufen Yu
On the predictive validity of various corpus-based frequency norms in L2 English lexical processing.
Behavior Research Methods 50:1
► pp. 1 ff.

Conklin, Kathy, Ana Pellicer-Sánchez & Gareth Carrol

Gelin, Margaux, Aurélia Bugaiska, Alain Méot & Patrick Bonin
Are animacy effects in episodic memory independent of encoding instructions?.
Memory 25:1
► pp. 2 ff.

Libben, Gary
The quantum metaphor and the organization of words in the mind.
Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science 1:1
► pp. 49 ff.

Nation, Kate
Nurturing a lexical legacy: reading experience is critical for the development of word reading skill.
npj Science of Learning 2:1

Porretta, Vincent, Antoine Tremblay & Patrick Bolger
Got experience? PMN amplitudes to foreign-accented speech modulated by listener experience.
Journal of Neurolinguistics 44
► pp. 54 ff.

Terzopoulos, Aris R., Lynne G. Duncan, Mark A. J. Wilson, Georgia Z. Niolaki & Jackie Masterson
HelexKids: A word frequency database for Greek and Cypriot primary school children.
Behavior Research Methods 49:1
► pp. 83 ff.

Devereux, Barry J., Kirsten I. Taylor, Billi Randall, Jeroen Geertzen & Lorraine K. Tyler
Feature Statistics Modulate the Activation of Meaning During Spoken Word Processing.
Cognitive Science 40:2
► pp. 325 ff.

Hollis, Geoff & Chris Westbury
The principals of meaning: Extracting semantic dimensions from co-occurrence models of semantics.
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 23:6
► pp. 1744 ff.

Lorenz, Antje & Pienie Zwitserlood
Semantically Transparent and Opaque Compounds in German Noun-Phrase Production: Evidence for Morphemes in Speaking.
Frontiers in Psychology 7

Murakami, Akira
Modeling Systematicity and Individuality in Nonlinear Second Language Development: The Case of English Grammatical Morphemes.
Language Learning 66:4
► pp. 834 ff.

Porretta, Vincent, Benjamin V. Tucker & Juhani Järvikivi
The influence of gradient foreign accentedness and listener experience on word recognition.
Journal of Phonetics 58
► pp. 1 ff.

Tremblay, Antoine, Elissa Asp, Anne Johnson, Malgorzata Zarzycka Migdal, Tim Bardouille & Aaron J. Newman
Keuleers, Emmanuel & David A. Balota
Megastudies, crowdsourcing, and large datasets in psycholinguistics: An overview of recent developments.
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 68:8
► pp. 1457 ff.

Kuperman, Victor
Virtual experiments in megastudies: A case study of language and emotion.
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 68:8
► pp. 1693 ff.

Smith, Nathaniel J. & Marta Kutas
Regression‐based estimation of ERP waveforms: I. The rERP framework.
Psychophysiology 52:2
► pp. 157 ff.

Janssen, Niels, Petra E. Pajtas & Alfonso Caramazza
Task influences on the production and comprehension of compound words.
Memory & Cognition 42:5
► pp. 780 ff.

Miwa, Koji, Gary Libben, Ton Dijkstra & Harald Baayen
The Time-Course of Lexical Activation in Japanese Morphographic Word Recognition: Evidence for a Character-Driven Processing Model.
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 67:1
► pp. 79 ff.

Sadat, Jasmin, Clara D. Martin, Albert Costa & F.-Xavier Alario
Reconciling phonological neighborhood effects in speech production through single trial analysis.
Cognitive Psychology 68
► pp. 33 ff.

Valente, Andrea, Audrey Bürki & Marina Laganaro
ERP correlates of word production predictors in picture naming: a trial by trial multiple regression analysis from stimulus onset to response.
Frontiers in Neuroscience 8

Vitevitch, Michael S. & Rutherford Goldstein
Keywords in the mental lexicon.
Journal of Memory and Language 73
► pp. 131 ff.

Cortese, Michael J. & Jocelyn Schock
Imageability and age of acquisition effects in disyllabic word recognition.
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 66:5
► pp. 946 ff.

Rusconi, Patrice, Marco Marelli, Selena Russo, Marco D’Addario & Paolo Cherubini
Integration of base rates and new information in an abstract hypothesis‐testing task.
British Journal of Psychology 104:2
► pp. 193 ff.

Marelli, Marco & Claudio Luzzatti
Frequency effects in the processing of Italian nominal compounds: Modulation of headedness and semantic transparency.
Journal of Memory and Language 66:4
► pp. 644 ff.

Tagliamonte, Sali A. & R. Harald Baayen
Models, forests, and trees of York English:Was/werevariation as a case study for statistical practice.
Language Variation and Change 24:2
► pp. 135 ff.

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