Narrative Inquiry

Volume 14, Issue 1 (2004)

2004.  239 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 1 July 2004
Table of Contents
The hermeneutics of faith and the hermeneutics of suspicion
Ruthellen Josselson
The matter of the text
Mark Freeman
Life histories and the perspective of the present
Margaretha Järvinen
A model of narrative circulation
Vilma Hänninen
Narrative survey: A Methodology for studying multiple populations
Asher Shkedi
Autobiographical memories of early language and literacy development
Judith C. Lapadat
Narrative strategies for interpreting stories with incongruent endings
Andrea Smorti
Narrative identity and the re-conceptualization of lone motherhood
Vanessa May
Orienting to the category “ordinary – but special” in an Australian-Italian courtship and marriage narrative
Greer Cavallaro Johnson and Isabella Paoletti
Review of Nünning & Nünning (2002): Neue Ansätze in der Erzähltheorie
Reviewed by Jarmila Mildorf
Review of Bortolussi & Dixon (2003): Psychonarratology: Foundations for the empirical study of literary response
Reviewed by Luke Moissinac
Cited by (9)

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Main BIC Subject

CF: Linguistics

Main BISAC Subject

LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General