Article published In:
Narrative Inquiry
Vol. 15:1 (2005) ► pp.101125
Cited by (82)

Cited by 82 other publications

Chen, Yu, Natasha Cabrera, Charlotte Sudduth & Stephanie M. Reich
2024. Contributions of mothers' and fathers' shared book reading with infants at 9 months to language skills at 18 months in ethnically and socioeconomically diverse families. Infant and Child Development 33:5 DOI logo
Hoff, Erika & Katherine F. Shanks
2024. Mother–Child Conversations of Latina Immigrant and U.S.-Born Mothers in the United States. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 55:1  pp. 74 ff. DOI logo
Kucirkova, Natalia & Vibeke Grøver
2024. The Importance of Embodiment and Agency in Parents’ Positive Attitudes Towards Shared Reading with Their Children. Early Childhood Education Journal 52:1  pp. 221 ff. DOI logo
Lopera‐Perez, Diana C., Jelena Obradović, Aisha K. Yousafzai, Brandon Keehn, Saima Siyal, Charles A. Nelson & Amanda R. Tarullo
2024. Early Family Experiences and Neural Activity in Rural Pakistani Children: The Differential Role of Gender. Developmental Psychobiology 66:6 DOI logo
Mauer, Ezra, Emily Mak, Yuuko Uchikoshi, Rufan Luo & Qing Zhou
2024. Cognitive Distancing Language in Parent-Child Book Sharing Among Low-Income Mexican American and Chinese American Families: Cultural Group Comparisons and Links to Children’s Executive Functions. Early Education and Development 35:6  pp. 1374 ff. DOI logo
McWayne, Christine M. & Gigliana Melzi
2024. Immigrant Children and Families: Committing to Cultural Inclusion in Early Childhood Education and Care Settings. The Educational Forum 88:4  pp. 492 ff. DOI logo
Bürümlü-Kisa, Elif, Basak Sahin-Acar & Hande Ilgaz
2023. Maternal storytelling and reminiscing styles in relation to preschoolers’ perspective-taking abilities. Cognitive Development 66  pp. 101323 ff. DOI logo
Chan, Yi-Chih
2023. Language development of Chinese-speaking hearing-impaired children: The roles of home literacy resources and shared book reading. Child Language Teaching and Therapy 39:1  pp. 74 ff. DOI logo
Gómez, Ligia E., M. Adelaida Restrepo, Arthur M. Glenberg & Erin Walker
2023. Enhancing Question-Asking during Shared Reading in Immigrant Latino Families. Journal of Latinos and Education 22:4  pp. 1389 ff. DOI logo
Haden, Catherine A., Gigliana Melzi & Maureen A. Callanan
2023. Science in stories: Implications for Latine children’s science learning through home-based language practices. Frontiers in Psychology 14 DOI logo
Melzi, Gigliana, Adina R. Schick & Cassie Wuest
2023. Stories beyond Books: Teacher Storytelling Supports Children’s Literacy Skills. Early Education and Development 34:2  pp. 485 ff. DOI logo
Read, Kirsten, Sara Rabinowitz & Hayley Harrison
2023. It’s the talk that counts: a review of how the extra-textual talk of caregivers during shared book reading with young children has been categorized and measured. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy DOI logo
Schick, Adina R, Lauren Scarola, Silvia Niño & Gigliana Melzi
2023. Beyond the written word: The role of text on preschool teachers’ book sharing styles. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 23:3  pp. 445 ff. DOI logo
Carmiol, Ana M., Alison Sparks & L. Diego Conejo
2022. Book sharing and reminiscing: Caregivers’ conversational style and children's language and literacy development in low-income Costa Rican families. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 60  pp. 110 ff. DOI logo
Lin, Grace C., Ilana Schoenfeld, Meredith Thompson, Yiting Xia, Cigdem Uz-Bilgin & Kathryn Leech
2022. Interaction Design and Children,  pp. 185 ff. DOI logo
Lorio, Ciera M., Abigail D. Delehanty & Mollie K. Romano
2022. A Systematic Review of Parent–Child Shared Book Reading Interventions for Infants and Toddlers. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education 42:3  pp. 222 ff. DOI logo
McWayne, Christine M., Gigliana Melzi & Jayanthi Mistry
2022. A home-to-school approach for promoting culturally inclusive family–school partnership research and practice. Educational Psychologist 57:4  pp. 238 ff. DOI logo
Marie Moore Channell & Rebekah Bosley
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2021. Turkish Mothers’ Use of Complementation in Storytelling. Dilbilim Araştırmaları Dergisi 32:3  pp. 43 ff. DOI logo
Leyva, Diana, Antje von Suchodoletz, Delshad Shroff, Anna Hinojo & Joscha Kärtner
2021. Maternal book-sharing styles and goals and children’s verbal contributions in three communities. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 54  pp. 228 ff. DOI logo
2021. Cross-cultural differences in mother-preschooler book sharing practices in the United States and Thailand. Journal of Child Language 48:4  pp. 834 ff. DOI logo
Carmiol, Ana M., Kimberly R. Kelly, Grace Ocular, Marcela Ríos-Reyes, Melissa González-Chaves & Jesús Plascencia
2020. Talking about Past Experiences in Two Cultural Contexts: Children’s Narrative Structure and Maternal Elaboration in Dyads from Costa Rica and the United States. Early Education and Development 31:2  pp. 234 ff. DOI logo
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Luo, Rufan, Kelly Escobar & Catherine S. Tamis-LeMonda
2020. Heterogeneity in the trajectories of US Latine mothers’ dual-language input from infancy to preschool. First Language 40:3  pp. 275 ff. DOI logo
Luo, Rufan, Catherine S. Tamis‐LeMonda & Alan L. Mendelsohn
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Paulick, Judy, Alexa Miller Quinn, Amanda K. Kibler, Natalia Palacios & Tatiana Hill
2020. Lessons for teachers: A wordless picturebook in the hands of one Mexican immigrant family. TESOL Journal 11:3 DOI logo
Rosemberg, Celia Renata, Florencia Alam, Cynthia Pamela Audisio, María Laura Ramirez, Leandro Garber & Maia Julieta Migdalek
2020. Nouns and verbs in the linguistic environment of Argentinian toddlers: Socioeconomic and context-related differences. First Language 40:2  pp. 192 ff. DOI logo
Saracho, Olivia N.
2020. The social practice of parents’ storybook reading: a critical discourse analysis. Early Child Development and Care 190:6  pp. 855 ff. DOI logo
Shin, So Yeon, Kathryn A. Leech & Meredith L. Rowe
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Shirefley, Tess A., Claudia L. Castañeda, Joyce Rodriguez-Gutiérrez, Maureen A. Callanan & Jennifer Jipson
2020. Science Conversations during Family Book Reading with Girls and Boys in Two Cultural Communities. Journal of Cognition and Development 21:4  pp. 551 ff. DOI logo
Tamis‐LeMonda, Catherine S., Margaret O'Brien Caughy, Raúl Rojas, Roger Bakeman, Lauren B. Adamson, Daniel Pacheco, Margaret Tresch Owen, Katharine Suma & Amy Pace
2020. Culture, parenting, and language: Respeto in Latine mother–child interactions. Social Development 29:3  pp. 689 ff. DOI logo
Melzi, Gigliana, Adina R. Schick & Lauren Scarola
2019. Literacy Interventions that Promote Home-to-School Links for Ethnoculturally Diverse Families of Young Children. In Ethnocultural Diversity and the Home-to-School Link,  pp. 123 ff. DOI logo
Mesa, Carol & M. Adelaida Restrepo
2019. Effects of a Family Literacy Program for Latino Parents: Evidence From a Single-Subject Design. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools 50:3  pp. 356 ff. DOI logo
Muhinyi, Amber & Meredith L. Rowe
2019. Shared reading with preverbal infants and later language development. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 64  pp. 101053 ff. DOI logo
Nieto, Ana María, Diana Leyva & Hirokazu Yoshikawa
2019. Guatemalan Mayan book-sharing styles and their relation to parents’ schooling and children’s narrative contributions. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 47  pp. 405 ff. DOI logo
Riordan, Jessica, Elaine Reese, Sarah Rouse & Elizabeth Schaughency
2018. Promoting code-focused talk: The rhyme and reason for why book style matters. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 45  pp. 69 ff. DOI logo
Cline, Keely D. & Carolyn Pope Edwards
2017. Parent–Child Book-Reading Styles, Emotional Quality, and Changes in Early Head Start Children’s Cognitive Scores. Early Education and Development 28:1  pp. 41 ff. DOI logo
Escobar, Kelly, Gigliana Melzi & Catherine S. Tamis‐LeMonda
2017. Mother and child narrative elaborations during booksharing in low‐income Mexican‐American dyads. Infant and Child Development 26:6 DOI logo
Gómez, Ligia E., Marina Vasilyeva & Alana Dulaney
2017. Preschool teachers' read-aloud practices in Chile as predictors of children's vocabulary. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 52  pp. 149 ff. DOI logo
Luo, Rufan & Catherine S. Tamis-LeMonda
2017. Reciprocity between maternal questions and child contributions during book-sharing. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 38  pp. 71 ff. DOI logo
Schick, Adina R., Gigliana Melzi & Javanna Obregón
2017. The bidirectional nature of narrative scaffolding: Latino caregivers’ elaboration while creating stories from a picture book. First Language 37:3  pp. 301 ff. DOI logo
2016. Mother–child talk during joint book reading in two social classes in Taiwan: Interaction strategies and information types. Applied Psycholinguistics 37:2  pp. 387 ff. DOI logo
Davis, Heather S., Jorge E. Gonzalez, Sharolyn Pollard-Durodola, Laura M. Saenz, Denise A. Soares, Nora Resendez, Leina Zhu & Shanna Hagan-Burke
2016. Home literacy beliefs and practices among low-income Latino families. Early Child Development and Care 186:7  pp. 1152 ff. DOI logo
Kuchirko, Yana, Catherine S Tamis-LeMonda, Rufan Luo & Eva Liang
2016. ‘What happened next?’: Developmental changes in mothers’ questions to children. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 16:4  pp. 498 ff. DOI logo
Leyva, Diana & Maryanne Smith
2016. Beyond book reading: Narrative participation styles in family reminiscing predict children’s print knowledge in low-income Chilean families. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 37  pp. 175 ff. DOI logo
Schick, Adina R & Gigliana Melzi
2016. Print-related practices in low-income Latino homes and preschoolers’ school-readiness outcomes. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 16:2  pp. 171 ff. DOI logo
Baird, Ashley Simpson, Amanda Kibler & Natalia Palacios
2015. “Yo te estoy ayudando; estoy aprendiendo también/I am helping you; I am learning too:” A bilingual family’s community of practice during home literacy events. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 15:2  pp. 147 ff. DOI logo
Ben-Avie, Michael, Régine Randall, Diane Weaver Dunne & Chris Kelly
2015. Improving Students' Academic Learning by Helping Them Access Text. In Recent Advances in Assistive Technologies to Support Children with Developmental Disorders [Advances in Medical Technologies and Clinical Practice, ],  pp. 217 ff. DOI logo
Ben-Avie, Michael, Régine Randall, Diane Weaver Dunne & Chris Kelly
2016. Improving Students' Academic Learning by Helping Them Access Text. In Special and Gifted Education,  pp. 667 ff. DOI logo
Etxeberria, Feli, Verónica Azpillaga, Nahia Intxausti, Asunción Martínez-Arbelaiz, Iñaki Pikabea & Anat Stavans
2015. Discourse organization in parent-led narratives. Narrative Inquiry 25:1  pp. 70 ff. DOI logo
Schick, Adina
2015. Wordless book-sharing styles in bilingual preschool classrooms and Latino children’s emergent literacy skills. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 15:3  pp. 331 ff. DOI logo
Stavans, Anat
2015. Enabling bi-literacy patterns in Ethiopian immigrant families in Israel: a socio-educational challenge. International Journal of Multilingualism 12:2  pp. 178 ff. DOI logo
Leyva, Diana, Monica Berrocal & Virginia Nolivos
2014. Spanish-Speaking Parent–Child Emotional Narratives and Children's Social Skills. Journal of Cognition and Development 15:1  pp. 22 ff. DOI logo
Luo, Rufan, Catherine S. Tamis-LeMonda, Yana Kuchirko, Florrie F. Ng & Eva Liang
2014. Mother-Child Book-Sharing and Children's Storytelling Skills in Ethnically Diverse, Low-Income Families. Infant and Child Development 23:4  pp. 402 ff. DOI logo
Schick, Adina R.
2014. Home-school literacy experiences of Latino preschoolers: Does continuity predict positive child outcomes?. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 35:4  pp. 370 ff. DOI logo
Tamis‐LeMonda, Catherine S., Rufan Luo & Lulu Song
2014. Parents' Role in Infants' Language Development and Emergent Literacy. In Wellbeing,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Cline, Keely Dyan & Carolyn Pope Edwards
2013. The Instructional and Emotional Quality of Parent–Child Book Reading and Early Head Start Children's Learning Outcomes. Early Education & Development 24:8  pp. 1214 ff. DOI logo
Harris, Yvette R. & Valarie M. Schroeder
2012. What the Berenstain Bears can tell us about school readiness: Maternal story grammar style and preschool narrative recall. Journal of Early Childhood Research 10:2  pp. 176 ff. DOI logo
Luo, Ya-Hui, Catherine E Snow & Chien-Ju Chang
2012. Mother–child talk during joint book reading in low-income American and Taiwanese families. First Language 32:4  pp. 494 ff. DOI logo
Stein, Alejandra & Celia-Renata Rosemberg
2012. Compartir cuentos en el hogar. Diferentes estilos de lectura en poblaciones urbano marginadas de Argentina. Infancia y Aprendizaje 35:4  pp. 405 ff. DOI logo
Melzi, Gigliana, Adina R. Schick & Joy L. Kennedy
2011. Narrative Elaboration and Participation: Two Dimensions of Maternal Elicitation Style. Child Development 82:4  pp. 1282 ff. DOI logo
Purcell-Gates, Victoria, Gigliana Melzi, Behnosh Najafi & Marjorie Faulstich Orellana
2011. Building Literacy Instruction From Children’s Sociocultural Worlds. Child Development Perspectives 5:1  pp. 22 ff. DOI logo
Boyce, Lisa K., Mark S. Innocenti, Lori A. Roggman, Vonda K. Jump Norman & Eduardo Ortiz
2010. Telling Stories and Making Books: Evidence for an Intervention to Help Parents in Migrant Head Start Families Support Their Children's Language and Literacy. Early Education & Development 21:3  pp. 343 ff. DOI logo
Manz, Patricia H., Cheyenne Hughes, Ernesto Barnabas, Catherine Bracaliello & Marika Ginsburg-Block
2010. A descriptive review and meta-analysis of family-based emergent literacy interventions: To what extent is the research applicable to low-income, ethnic-minority or linguistically-diverse young children?. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 25:4  pp. 409 ff. DOI logo
Melzi, Gigliana & Adina Schick
2010. Literacy. In Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural School Psychology,  pp. 592 ff. DOI logo
Orellana, Marjorie Faulstich & Jacqueline D’warte
2010. Recognizing Different Kinds of “Head Starts”. Educational Researcher 39:4  pp. 295 ff. DOI logo
Reese, Elaine, Diana Leyva, Alison Sparks & Wendy Grolnick
2010. Maternal Elaborative Reminiscing Increases Low-Income Children's Narrative Skills Relative to Dialogic Reading. Early Education & Development 21:3  pp. 318 ff. DOI logo
Reese, Elaine, Alison Sparks & Diana Leyva
2010. A Review of parent interventions for preschool children’s language and emergent literacy. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 10:1  pp. 97 ff. DOI logo
Schick, Adina & Gigliana Melzi
2010. The Development of Children's Oral Narratives Across Contexts. Early Education & Development 21:3  pp. 293 ff. DOI logo
Cameron, Catherine Ann & Giuliana Pinto
2009. A Day in the Life:Secure Interludes With Joint Book Reading. Journal of Research in Childhood Education 23:4  pp. 437 ff. DOI logo
Caspe, Margaret
2009. Low-income Latino mothers’ booksharing styles and children's emergent literacy development. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 24:3  pp. 306 ff. DOI logo
Chan, Cheri C. Y., Amanda C. Brandone & Twila Tardif
2009. Culture, Context, or Behavioral Control?. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 40:4  pp. 584 ff. DOI logo
Verdi, Gail Grace & Miriam Eisenstein Ebsworth
2009. Working-class women academics: four socio-linguistic journeys. Journal of Multicultural Discourses 4:2  pp. 183 ff. DOI logo
Casla, Marta, David Poveda, Irene Rujas & Isabel Cuevas
2008. Literary voices in interaction in urban storytelling events for children. Linguistics and Education 19:1  pp. 37 ff. DOI logo
Caspe, Margaret & Gigliana Melzi
2008. Cultural Variations in Mother–Child Narrative Discourse Style. In Spanish-Language Narration and Literacy,  pp. 6 ff. DOI logo
Cristofaro, Tonia N. & Catherine S. Tamis-Lemonda
2008. Lessons in Mother–Child and Father–Child Personal Narratives in Latino Families. In Spanish-Language Narration and Literacy,  pp. 54 ff. DOI logo
Cristofaro, Tonia N. & Catherine S. Tamis-LeMonda
2012. Mother-child conversations at 36 months and at pre-kindergarten: Relations to children's school readiness. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 12:1  pp. 68 ff. DOI logo
Cuneo, C. Nicholas, Allyssa Mccabe & Gigliana Melzi
2008. Mestizaje: Afro-Caribbean and Indigenous Costa Rican Children's Narratives and Links with Other Traditions. In Spanish-Language Narration and Literacy,  pp. 237 ff. DOI logo
Fernández, Camila & Gigliana Melzi
2008. Evaluation in Spanish-Speaking Mother–Child Narratives: The Social and Sense-Making Function of Internal-State References. In Spanish-Language Narration and Literacy,  pp. 92 ff. DOI logo
Melzi, Gigliana & Margaret Caspe
2008. Research Approaches to Narrative, Literacy, and Education. In Encyclopedia of Language and Education,  pp. 3351 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2008. DEVELOPING INDEPENDENT NARRATION. In Spanish-Language Narration and Literacy,  pp. 143 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2008. PARENT–CHILD NARRATIVES. In Spanish-Language Narration and Literacy,  pp. 3 ff. DOI logo

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