Narrative Inquiry

Volume 26, Issue 1 (2016)

2016.  iii, 171 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 5 December 2016
Table of Contents
“I hope they have a lot of Vania out there” Narrative-in-interview, positioning, and ideologies of language and identity in Hawai‘i
Priscila Leal
Homeward bound: Enacted narratives of the return to home after a short-term stay at a psychiatric centre
Lena A. Ulfseth, Staffan Josephsson and Sissel Alsaker
The United States of wealth: The communicative construction of master and counter narratives of prosperity in the aftermath of the Great Recession
Chenthuran Jayachandiran, Kathryn E. Harrison, Tamara D. Afifi and Sharde M. Davis
Stories of (self)-introduction for communicative effectiveness of an institutionalized storytelling performance
Soe Marlar Lwin
Narrative integration of identity following trauma Life-stories of immigrants granted asylum in Australia following prolonged detention
Andrew J. Witney and Glen Bates
Narrative, trauma, and self-interpretation: Using Ricœur’s Petite éthique to understand the moral experience of bereaved fathers
William Affleck, Gaëlle Fiasse and Mary Ellen Macdonald
Parents have lives, too! Adolescents’ and early adults’ narratives about their parents
Magdalena Budziszewska and Janina Pietrzak
‘I sort of did stuff to him’: A case study of tellability and taboo in young people’s talk about sex
Clare Jackson


Narrative Studies

Main BIC Subject

CFG: Semantics, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis

Main BISAC Subject

LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General