Part of
The Pragmatic Perspective: Selected papers from the 1985 International Pragmatics Conference
Edited by Jef Verschueren and Marcella Bertuccelli Papi
[Pragmatics & Beyond Companion Series 5] 1987
► pp. 533546
Cited by (28)

Cited by 28 other publications

Dvořák, Jan
2024. “Definite Associative Deixis”: Between Referential and Attributive Readings. Discours 34 DOI logo
Meeuwis, Michael & Koen Stroeken
2022. Non-situational functions of demonstrative noun phrases in Lingala (Bantu). Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)  pp. 147 ff. DOI logo
Salles, Mathilde
2021. Anaphore associative et absence d’antécédent ou lorsqu’un conducteur roule en anaphore associative sans son véhicule. Travaux de linguistique n° 81:2  pp. 7 ff. DOI logo
Cornish, Francis
2020. Les données en linguistique : choix, nature et exploitation. Une vue personnelle. Travaux de linguistique n° 79:2  pp. 7 ff. DOI logo
Järvikivi, Juhani, Sarah Schimke & Pirita Pyykkönen-Klauck
2019. Understanding Indirect Reference in a Visual Context. Discourse Processes 56:2  pp. 117 ff. DOI logo
Schnedecker, Catherine
2019. De l’intérêt de la notion de chaîne de référence par rapport à celles d’anaphore et de coréférence. Cahiers de praxématique :72 DOI logo
Blackwell, Sarah E.
2018. Frames of Reference and Antecedentless Anaphora in Spanish Conversation. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 47:2  pp. 283 ff. DOI logo
Hou, Yufang, Katja Markert & Michael Strube
2018. Unrestricted Bridging Resolution. Computational Linguistics 44:2  pp. 237 ff. DOI logo
Kocsány, Piroska
2018. A közelre mutatóeznévmás anaforikus kifejtő szerkezetekben és a diszkurzív kontinuitás fokozatai. Jelentés és Nyelvhasználat 5:1  pp. 117 ff. DOI logo
Schnedecker, Catherine, Julie Glikman & Frédéric Landragin
2017. Les chaînes de référence : annotation, application et questions théoriques. Langue française N° 195:3  pp. 5 ff. DOI logo
Béguelin, Marie-José
2016. Quand la référence se fait évanescente : ne pas en démordre, gros comme ça et autres locutions à pointeurs démotivés. In Connexion et indexation, DOI logo
Guillot-Barbance, Céline & Christiane Marchello-Nizia
2015. Spécialisation morpho-syntaxique et changement sémantique : le cas du démonstratif français. Langue française N° 187:3  pp. 79 ff. DOI logo
Duque, Eladio
2014. Signaling causal coherence relations. Discourse Studies 16:1  pp. 25 ff. DOI logo
Horn, Christian & Nicolas Kimm
2014. Nominal Concept Types in German Fictional Texts. In Frames and Concept Types [Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy, 94],  pp. 343 ff. DOI logo
2011. The distal demonstrative as discourse marker inBeowulf. English Language and Linguistics 15:1  pp. 113 ff. DOI logo
Gerrig, Richard J., William S. Horton & Amanda Stent
2011. Production and Comprehension of Unheralded Pronouns: A Corpus Analysis. Discourse Processes 48:3  pp. 161 ff. DOI logo
Kimm, Nicolas & Christian Horn
2011. Nominal Associative Anaphors – A Text-Based Analysis at the Semantics-Pragmatics Interface. In Anaphora Processing and Applications [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7099],  pp. 108 ff. DOI logo
Perdicoyanni-Paléologou, Hélène
2009. Le concept d’anaphore, de cataphore et de déixis en linguistique française. Revue québécoise de linguistique 29:2  pp. 55 ff. DOI logo
Sanford, Anthony J., Ruth Filik, Catherine Emmott & Lorna Morrow
2008. Short Article: They're Digging up the Road Again: The Processing Cost of Institutional They. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 61:3  pp. 372 ff. DOI logo
Sanford, Anthony J. & Ruth Filik
2007. “They” as a gender-unspecified singular pronoun: Eye tracking reveals a processing cost. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 60:2  pp. 171 ff. DOI logo
Cornish, Francis, Alan Garnham, H. Wind Cowles, Marion Fossard & Virginie André
2005. Indirect anaphora in English and French: A cross-linguistic study of pronoun resolution. Journal of Memory and Language 52:3  pp. 363 ff. DOI logo
Laury, Ritva
2001. Definiteness. In Handbook of Pragmatics,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Laury, Ritva
2022. Definiteness and reflexivity. Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)  pp. 401 ff. DOI logo
2001. Secondary topic as a relation in information structure. Linguistics 39:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Gelbukh, A., G. Sidorov & I.A. Bolshakov
2000. Proceedings 11th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications,  pp. 96 ff. DOI logo
Gelbukh, Alexander, Grigori Sidorov & Igor A. Bolshakov
2000. Dictionary-Based Method for Coherence Maintenance in Man-Machine Dialogue with Indirect Antecedents and Ellipses. In Text, Speech and Dialogue [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1902],  pp. 357 ff. DOI logo
Matsui, Tomoko
1999. On the Role of Context in Relevance-Based Accessibility Ranking of Candidate Referents. In Modeling and Using Context [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1688],  pp. 228 ff. DOI logo
Hawkins, John A.
1991. On (in)definite articles: implicatures and (un)grammaticality prediction. Journal of Linguistics 27:2  pp. 405 ff. DOI logo

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