Speech and Thought Presentation in French

Concepts and strategies

| University of Oxford
ISBN 9789027253767 (Eur) | EUR 135.00
ISBN 9781588116222 (USA) | USD 203.00
ISBN 9789027294326 | EUR 135.00 | USD 203.00
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This book analyses and describes Speech and Thought Presentation (S&TP) in French from a broad theoretical perspective, building bridges between linguistic, stylistic and narratological frameworks that have until now been developed separately. It combines the French théorie de l’énonciation and different Anglo-Saxon approaches of reported discourse into a harmonious whole, in order to create a new and exciting paradigm for our conception of S&TP strategies. Basing its findings on actual corpora and going beyond the canonical categories of reported discourse, it shows that the study of S&TP strategies is essential to our understanding of phenomena as diverse as the evolution and categorization of literary genres, the production and staging of ‘orality’ in literature, the various conceptualizations of the notion of ‘Truth’ in fiction and non-fiction, the expression of points of view in narrative, the structuring of rhetorical strategies and the construction of the ‘Self’ versus the representation of the ‘Other’ in discourse.
[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 133] 2005.  xiv, 379 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Table of Contents
“The originality of the book consists in the fact that it manages to establish connections between linguistic, stylistic and narrative frameworks that had only been analyzed separately in previous works. It combines the French 'théorie de l'énonciation', with Anglo-Saxon approaches of reported discourse and creates a new paradigm for speech and thought presentation strategies. The book is very well documented, developing various theories and concepts regarding speech and thought presentation. It is also based on thorough research performed on a large corpus of Medieval French literature, of contemporary French literature, and of contemporary written French press.”
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CF: Linguistics

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