Stancetaking in Discourse

Subjectivity, evaluation, interaction

 | Rice University
ISBN 9789027254085 | EUR 105.00 | USD 158.00
ISBN 9789027291929 | EUR 105.00 | USD 158.00
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This volume contributes to the burgeoning field of research on stance by offering a variety of studies based in natural discourse. These collected papers explore the situated, pragmatic, and interactional character of stancetaking, and present new models and conceptions of stance to spark future research. Central to the volume is the claim that stancetaking encompasses five general principles: it involves physical, attitudinal and/or moral positioning; it is a public action; it is inherently dialogic, interactional, and sequential; it indexes broader sociocultural contexts; and it is consequential to the interactants. Each paper explores one or more of these dimensions of stance from perspectives including interactional linguistics and conversation analysis, corpus linguistics, language description, discourse analysis, and sociocultural linguistics. Research languages include conversational American English, colloquial Indonesian, and Finnish. The understanding of stance that emerges is heterogeneous and variegated, and always intertwined with the pragmatic and social aspects of human conduct.
[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 164] 2007.  viii, 323 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 1 July 2008
Table of Contents
“This volume offers an inspiring corpus-based exploration into the intriguing concept of stance in a variety of discourse in context. [...] marked by its theoretical and methodological diversification, the collection makes a noticeable contribution to understanding how stance is taken in interactions. [...] On the whole, it enhances our general ability to appreciate the notion of stance by highlighting its interactional nature.”
“[...] this volume is a rich, even indispensable reference for those who are interested in the way that stancetaking plays out in, and is consequential for, interaction. Its many chapters drive home the crucial point that stance is one of the primary building blocks of joint social action: stance are taken, projected and retroactively assigned across speaker turns. Stance differentials - the subtle work of alignment and disalignment - are hugely productive focuses for international analysis of talk.”
“[...] this volume [...] is an indispensable companion to every stance scholar. [...] The interpretations and understandings concerning stance and stancetaking discussed in the book are highly relevant beyond language boundaries, and the volume offers an insightful guidebook to what stance is, how it creates social meanings and how it could be studied.”
“This volume is a must-have for any researcher engaged with stancetaking as a field of inquiry. It is also highly relevant to any researcher concerned with the function of language and the role that context plays in interpreting function. [...] if stance continues to be a fruitful field of inquiry, the papers in this volume will likely find their way into most reference lists.”
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This list is based on CrossRef data as of 23 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.


Main BIC Subject

CFG: Semantics, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis

Main BISAC Subject

LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General
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