Cited by (14)

Cited by 14 other publications

Caponetto, Laura & Bianca Cepollaro
2023. Bending as Counterspeech. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 26:4  pp. 577 ff. DOI logo
Caponetto, Laura & Paolo Labinaz
2023. Marina Sbisà’s Deontic Approach to Speech Actions. In Sbisà on Speech as Action [Philosophers in Depth, ],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Gaszczyk, Grzegorz
2023. Interrogatives, inquiries, and exam questions. Erkenntnis DOI logo
Goldberg, Sanford C.
2023. llocutionary Force, Speech Act Norms, and the Coordination and Mutuality of Conversational Expectations. In Sbisà on Speech as Action [Philosophers in Depth, ],  pp. 195 ff. DOI logo
Sbisà, Marina
2023. Essays on Speech Acts and Other Topics in Pragmatics, DOI logo
Sbisà, Marina
2023. Replies to Contributors. In Sbisà on Speech as Action [Philosophers in Depth, ],  pp. 299 ff. DOI logo
Wanderer, Jeremy
2023. Clarifying illocutionary force. Inquiry  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Witek, Maciej
2023. Interactional Negotiation. In Sbisà on Speech as Action [Philosophers in Depth, ],  pp. 97 ff. DOI logo
Chankova, Mariya
2022. Rejecting and challenging illocutionary acts. Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)  pp. 33 ff. DOI logo
Compagno, Dario, Elena V. Epure, Rébecca Deneckere-Lebas & Camille Salinesi
2018. Exploring Digital Conversation Corpora with Process Mining. Corpus Pragmatics 2:2  pp. 193 ff. DOI logo
Berlin, Lawrence N., Elda Weizman & Anita Fetzer
2015. Introduction. In The Dynamics of Political Discourse [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 259],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Rodríguez Rosique, Susana
Haugh, Michael
2009. Intention(ality) and the Conceptualization of Communication in Pragmatics. Australian Journal of Linguistics 29:1  pp. 91 ff. DOI logo
1993. Acts in Discourse: From Monological Speech Acts to Dialogical Inter‐Acts. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 23:2  pp. 173 ff. DOI logo

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