Hadjiantonis, Georgios, Sarah Gillet, Marynel Vázquez, Iolanda Leite & Fethiye Irmak Dogan
2024 33rd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (ROMAN),
► pp. 2087 ff.

Schönfelder, Nora
Multimodal repetitions in children’s co-construction of arguments.
European Journal of Psychology of Education 39:3
► pp. 1759 ff.

Wang, Xiaoyun, Xiaoting Li & Shui Li
Pursuing student response through incomplete syntax, prosody, bodily- and visuo-orthographical resources in Chinese-as-a-second-language classrooms.
Classroom Discourse ► pp. 1 ff.

Kendrick, Kobin H., Judith Holler & Stephen C. Levinson
Turn-taking in human face-to-face interaction is multimodal: gaze direction and manual gestures aid the coordination of turn transitions.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 378:1875

Lücking, Andy & Jonathan Ginzburg
Leading voices: dialogue semantics, cognitive science and the polyphonic structure of multimodal interaction.
Language and Cognition 15:1
► pp. 148 ff.

Norrthon, Stefan
Cueing in Theatre: Timing and Temporal Variance in Rehearsals of Scene Transitions.
Human Studies 46:2
► pp. 199 ff.

Yasui, Eiko
Sequence-initial pointing: Spotlighting what just happened as a cause of a new sequence.
Discourse Studies 25:3
► pp. 409 ff.

Ford, Cecilia E., Barbara A. Fox & Sandra A. Thompson
Holler, Judith
Visual bodily signals as core devices for coordinating minds in interaction.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 377:1859

Ji, Mengmeng & Huiping Zhang
Multimodal Irregular Self-Selection in Chinese Postgraduate English as a Foreign Language Learners’ Conversation: When, How, and Why.
Frontiers in Psychology 13

Barley, Natalia
Audio vs. Video Conferencing for Language Learning. In
Digital Pedagogies and the Transformation of Language Education [
Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design, ],
► pp. 97 ff.

Clarke, Jean S., Nicholas Llewellyn, Joep Cornelissen & Rowena Viney
Gesture Analysis and Organizational Research: The Development and Application of a Protocol for Naturalistic Settings.
Organizational Research Methods 24:1
► pp. 140 ff.

Ehmer, Oliver & Daniel Mandel
Projecting action spaces. On the interactional relevance of cesural areas in co-enactments.
Open Linguistics 7:1
► pp. 638 ff.

Pekarek Doehler, Simona
Word Order Affects Response Latency: Action Projection and the Timing of Responses to Question-word Questions.
Discourse Processes 58:4
► pp. 328 ff.

Stoenica, Ioana-Maria & Simona Pekarek Doehler
Fonctionnement macro-syntaxique et dimension anaphorique des relatives produites post hoc : une analyse interactionnelle et multimodale.
Langue française N° 210:2
► pp. 101 ff.

Urbanik, Paweł & Jan Svennevig
Action-Depicting Gestures and Morphosyntax: The Function of Gesture-Speech Alignment in the Conversational Turn.
Frontiers in Psychology 12

Brouwer, Catherine E. & Kristian Mortensen
Coordinated note-taking?.
Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice 14:2
► pp. 256 ff.

Hofstetter, Emily & Leelo Keevallik
Park, Innhwa & Margo Duey
I’m sorry (to interrupt): The use of explicit apology in turn-taking.
Applied Linguistics Review 11:3
► pp. 377 ff.

Beach, Wayne A.
“Tiny Tiny Little Nothings”: Minimization and Reassurance in the Face of Cancer.
Health Communication 34:14
► pp. 1697 ff.

Evola, Vito & Joanna Skubisz
Coordinated Collaboration and Nonverbal Social Interactions: A Formal and Functional Analysis of Gaze, Gestures, and Other Body Movements in a Contemporary Dance Improvisation Performance.
Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 43:4
► pp. 451 ff.

Lilja, Niina & Arja Piirainen-Marsh
How Hand Gestures Contribute to Action Ascription.
Research on Language and Social Interaction 52:4
► pp. 343 ff.

Bavelas, Janet & Nicole Chovil
Holler, Judith, Kobin H. Kendrick & Stephen C. Levinson
Processing language in face-to-face conversation: Questions with gestures get faster responses.
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 25:5
► pp. 1900 ff.

Lee, Josephine
Multimodal turn allocation in ESL peer group discussions.
Social Semiotics 27:5
► pp. 671 ff.

Müller, Cornelia
A Toolbox of Methods for Gesture Analysis. In
The Cambridge Handbook of Gesture Studies,
► pp. 182 ff.

Żywiczyński, Przemysław, Sławomir Wacewicz & Sylwester Orzechowski
Sylvain Detey, Jacques Durand, Bernard Laks & Chantal Lyche
Varieties of Spoken French,

Eskildsen, Søren W. & Johannes Wagner
Embodied L2 Construction Learning.
Language Learning 65:2
► pp. 268 ff.

Hoey, Elliott M.
Lapses: How People Arrive at, and Deal With, Discontinuities in Talk.
Research on Language and Social Interaction 48:4
► pp. 430 ff.

Ivarsson, Jonas & Christian Greiffenhagen
The Organization of Turn-Taking in Pool Skate Sessions.
Research on Language and Social Interaction 48:4
► pp. 406 ff.

Day, Dennis & Johannes Wagner
Merlino, Sara
Traduction orale et organisation de la parole : la gestion multimodale des transitions. In
Corps en interaction,
► pp. 65 ff.

Ford, Cecilia E.
Conversation Analysis and Turn Taking. In
The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,

Keisanen, Tiina & Mirka Rauniomaa
The Organization of Participation and Contingency in Prebeginnings of Request Sequences.
Research on Language and Social Interaction 45:4
► pp. 323 ff.

Gullberg, Marianne
Methodological reflections on gesture analysis in second language acquisition and bilingualism research.
Second Language Research 26:1
► pp. 75 ff.

Iwasaki, Shimako
Initiating Interactive Turn Spaces in Japanese Conversation: Local Projection and Collaborative Action.
Discourse Processes 46:2-3
► pp. 226 ff.

Kita, Sotaro
Cross-cultural variation of speech-accompanying gesture: A review.
Language and Cognitive Processes 24:2
► pp. 145 ff.

Mortensen, Kristian
Establishing Recipiency in Pre-Beginning Position in the Second Language Classroom.
Discourse Processes 46:5
► pp. 491 ff.

Mortensen, Kristian
Conversation Analysis and Multimodality. In
The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,

Mondada, Lorenza
Multimodal resources for turn-taking.
Discourse Studies 9:2
► pp. 194 ff.

Mondada, Lorenza
L’analyse de « collections » de phénomènes multimodaux en linguistique interactionnelle : À propos de l’organisation systématique des ressources gestuelles en début de tour.
Cahiers de praxématique :50
► pp. 21 ff.

Keating, Elizabeth & Maria Egbert
Conversation as a Cultural Activity. In
A Companion to Linguistic Anthropology,
► pp. 167 ff.

Matoesian, Gregory
Nailing down an answer: participations of power in trial talk.
Discourse Studies 7:6
► pp. 733 ff.

Hayashi, Makoto
Language and the Body as Resources for Collaborative Action: A Study of Word Searches in Japanese Conversation.
Research on Language & Social Interaction 36:2
► pp. 109 ff.

Hayashi, Makoto
Projection and grammar: notes on the ‘action-projecting’ use of the distal demonstrative are in Japanese.
Journal of Pragmatics 36:8
► pp. 1337 ff.

Streeck, Jürgen & Werner Kallmeyer
Interaction by inscription.
Journal of Pragmatics 33:4
► pp. 465 ff.

Jacoby, Sally
Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 9:1-2
► pp. 259 ff.

Kendon, Adam
Annual Review of Anthropology 26:1
► pp. 109 ff.

Biq, Yung-O, James Tai & Sandra Thompson
Recent Developments in Functional Approaches to Chinese. In
New Horizons in Chinese Linguistics [
Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 36],
► pp. 97 ff.

Streeck, Jurgen
Gesture as Communication II: The Audience as Co-Author.
Research on Language & Social Interaction 27:3
► pp. 239 ff.

Streeck, Jürgen
Gesture as communication I: Its coordination with gaze and speech.
Communication Monographs 60:4
► pp. 275 ff.

Streeck, Jürgen
Gestures in Discourse. In
The International Encyclopedia of Communication,

Streeck, Jürgen
Transforming Space into Place: Some Interactions in an Urban Plaza. In
New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence [
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7856],
► pp. 217 ff.

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General Bibliography. In
A Companion to Linguistic Anthropology,
► pp. 518 ff.

[no author supplied]
References. In
The Handbook of Conversation Analysis,
► pp. 741 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 23 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.