Besides as a connective
This chapter throws new light upon besides as a connective in contemporary
English. Using examples extracted from corpora, we consider how to reconcile
the notions of “tangentiality” and “decisiveness” found in existing descriptions
of its function. After an assessment of the only previous publication fully
devoted to besides, Yeung (2009), we identify two major uses, which we label
objective and (inter)subjective. The objective use is connected to finality, with
besides marking the last argument in a chain, while the (inter)subjective use
invokes a more (inter)personal viewpoint that trumps the preceding arguments.
We also show that such uses were absent in the 19th century. This allows the
conclusion that besides developed its distinctive characteristics in relatively
recent times, predominantly in dialogue.
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Cited by (3)
Cited by three other publications
Iza Erviti, Aneider
Complementary Contrastive Constructions. In
Discourse Constructions in English [
Yearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics, ],
► pp. 75 ff.

Iza Erviti, Aneider
From Discourse Markers to Construction Grammar(s) in Discourse. In
Discourse Constructions in English [
Yearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics, ],
► pp. 7 ff.

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