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2023. When English complement clauses meet evidential adverbs. English Language and Linguistics 27:4 ► pp. 749 ff.
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2023. Decompositionalization and Partial Recompositionalization: The Emergence of by the Same Token as a Polyfunctional Discourse Marker. Journal of English Linguistics 51:3 ► pp. 236 ff.
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2022. Semantic scope restrictions in complex verb constructions in Dutch. Linguistics 60:1 ► pp. 123 ff.
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2022. Unhas notas sobre o sistema evidencial galego. Estudos de Lingüística Galega► pp. 33 ff.
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2019. Dalila Ayoun, Agnès Celle, and Laure Lansari (Eds.), Tense, Aspect, Modality, and Evidentiality: Crosslinguistic perspectives. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2018. Pp. 366. ISBN 978-90-272-0096-9 (Hb), 978-90-272-6390-2 (E-book). Language and Cognition 11:1 ► pp. 165 ff.
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2019. Az evidencialitás kifejezéseiről boszorkányperekben. Jelentés és Nyelvhasználat 6:1 ► pp. 99 ff.
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