The effects of linguistic proficiency, Trait Emotional Intelligence and in-group advantage on emotion recognition by British and American English L1 users
Jean-Marc Dewaele | Birkbeck, Birkbeck and UCL, University of London (UK)
Pernelle Lorette | Birkbeck, Birkbeck and UCL, University of London (UK)
This chapter focuses on individual differences in emotion recognition ability (ERA) of 150 British and 151 American first language (L1) users of English (151 females, 150 males). Individual differences in ERA have been linked to linguistic, cultural and psychological profiles of individuals. The analysis of ERA scores based on correct identification of emotions portrayed six video clips by a British L1 English-speaking actress showed that participants who scored higher on linguistic proficiency and Trait Emotional Intelligence (Trait EI) were better at recognizing emotions. Cultural background had no apparent effect. Participants with lower levels of linguistic proficiency relied more heavily on their Trait EI to recognize the emotions.
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