Kinship references in the British Parliament, 1800–2005
Family and kinship are fundamental concepts of human society and of political governance. Proceeding from the notion that frequency of reference can be taken as a simple measure of visibility and representation, this study examines diachronic trends of kinship reference in British parliamentary debates from 1800 to 2005. Using the Hansard Corpus and pattern-driven corpus linguistic methods, I show that changes in the frequencies of reference to kin reflect societal attitudes to gender roles.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Theoretical background
- 3.The Hansard Corpus as a linguistic resource
- 4.Operationalization of the queries and analyses
- 5.Findings
- 5.1Overall trends
- 5.2Cluster analysis and some significant trends
- 6.Tentative conclusions
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