Part of
Science Communication on the Internet: Old genres meet new genres
Edited by María José Luzón and Carmen Pérez-Llantada
[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series 308] 2019
► pp. 153172
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Appendix: List of IEEE Spectrum analyzed articles
DA1 Why your GPS Receiver Isn’t Bigger than a Breadbox ([URL]) (Published online 19/04/2018)
DA2 The Troubled Quest for the Superconducting Wind Turbine ([URL]) (Published online 26/07/2018)
DA3 The Green Promise of Vertical Farms ([URL]) (Published online 02/06/2018)
DA4 The Struggle to Make Diesel-Guzzling Cargo Ships Greener ([URL]) (Published online 29/05/2018)
DA5 A Quantum Drum Brings Quantum Mechanics to the Macroscale ([URL]) (Published online 22/05/2018)
DA6 How NASA Will Use Robots to Create Rocket Fuel from Martian Soil ([URL]) (Published online 30/10/2018)
DA7 This Innovative Technology Harvests Water from Cooling Towers ([URL]). (Published online 08/06/2018)
DA8 This Photocell Generates Both Power and Hydrogen ([URL]) (Published online 01/10/2018)
DA9 It’s Never too Early to Think about 6G ([URL]) (Published online 22/05/2018)
Cited by (1)

Cited by one other publication

Fetzer, Anita
2021. Computer-mediated discourse in context. In Approaches to Internet Pragmatics [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 318],  pp. 47 ff. DOI logo

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