- abstract(s)
21, 27, 34–35, 62–63
; see also video abstract(s)see also graphical abstract(s)see also verbal abstract(s)
- academic social network sites2
- academic websites8see also websites
200, 204
; see also Vatican discourse
- accommodate/ accommodation
9, 11, 46, 174, 176
- affordances
6, 61, 170
see also multimodal affordances
- of digital media/ of the web
4, 154
- antecedent genre
195, 201
- Article of the Future
6, 7, 34, 61, 63
- attitude markers
112, 120, 175, 187, 192
- audience(s)
3, 6–9, 46, 49, 81, 131, 158, 166–168, 174, 219
; see also diversified audiencessee also public(s)
- author responses (to referees’ comments)116
- Bazerman, Ch.
1, 4, 20, 44, 47, 201, 235
- Berkenkotter, C.
2, 42, 44, 48, 52
- blurring of boundaries
9, 48, 82
; see also context collapsesee also erosion of boundaries
- Carter-Thomas, S.
2, 5, 82, 101
- causal power135see also causal relationssee also causal relevance
- chronotopic laminations233
- citizen scientist
54, 224–225, 229
- collective argumentation197
- colonizing (of scientific discourse)
61, 83
- color (in graphical abstracts; in images)
76, 184
; see also visual grammar
- commodification60
- of scientific discourse59
- communication with the public
- community(ies)
2, 4, 8–9, 20, 44
see also discourse community(ies)
- confidential peer review
110, 111, 126
; see also open peer review
- context collapse
9, 219, 222, 230
; see also context collisionssee also context collusions
- context collusions
222, 230
- corpus-assisted discourse analysis113
- corpus-assisted discourse analytical approach174
- credibility
51, 119, 128, 175–176, 179
- Devitt, A.
4, 60, 71, 201
- digital genre(s)
; see also online genre(s)
- digital genre clusters
136, 144–145
- digital knowledge dissemination153
- digital popularization genres
175, 177
- digital scientific article
- discourse community(ies)
4, 220–221
- discursive
- representation
196–197, 204
- dissemination of science/ of scientific knowledge
3, 82, 153, 155
- diversified audience(s)/ multiple audience(s)
9, 49, 233
; see also context collapse
- ecology of genres157see also genre ecology
- electronic journal(s)/ e-journal(s)
37, 60
- embedding
8, 154, 156, 162, 169, 191
- Encyclopedia of Life
36, 37
- engagement
120, 175, 176, 184, 187, 188
see also stance
- marker
96, 189
; see also stance markers
- enhanced article(s)
7, 19
- enhanced publications
6, 7
- erosion of boundaries
8, 9, 12
; see also blurring of boundariessee also context collapse
- explanatory knowledge structures (types of)
; see also causal powersee also causal relationssee also causal relevance
- Fahnestock, J.
9, 24, 46, 176, 229
- figures (in scientific texts)
; see also images (in science)
- General-Particular structure/ pattern176
- generic form
12, 131, 136, 149
- genre
see also digital genre(s); online genre(s)
- embedding156see also embedding
- evolution
41, 55, 81, 139
- relations
4, 59, 66, 71, 157, 174
- sets
4, 104, 195, 197, 201, 210, 215
- Giltrow, J.
19, 41, 221–222, 224, 226, 233
- graphical abstract(s)
7, 17, 64–66
- Gross, A.
4, 20–25, 36, 45, 47
- Harvard Business Review132
- hedging
120, 122, 175, 176
- Huckin, T.
2, 42, 44, 48, 52, 61
- hybrid genre(s)
6–7, 162, 168, 201, 204, 213
- hybridity
153–154, 156, 170
- Hyland, K.
2, 111–112, 119–125, 132, 175, 185
- hyperlinked genres
4, 7, 164
- hyperlinking
8, 138, 142, 144
- hypermodal digital article155
- hypertextual interactivity
160, 167
- hypertextuality
154, 156, 158
- IEEE Spectrum magazine153
- Illustration strategies95
- images (in science)
32, 61–66, 71–76, 176
; see also figures
- integral ecology
196, 198
- interactivity
27, 82, 84, 96, 160, 161
- interconnected genre sets197see also genre sets
- interpersonal features119
- intersemiotic relationships157
- intertextual chain(s)
195, 196, 205, 211
- Journal of Visualized Experiments35
- knowledge construction131
- knowledge mediation
132, 133
- Kress, G.
73, 76, 137, 157, 174, 176, 183, 184
- levels of explanatory depth144
- macro-structural patterns178
- mediated multimodal genre systems5
- mediation
83, 225
; see also knowledge mediation processes
- mediatization (of science)
82–83, 102–104
- metaphor95see also visual metaphors
- Miller, C.
1, 2, 9, 19, 41–44, 48, 62, 63, 73, 176, 182, 184, 201
- move
1, 87, 113, 115, 116, 226
- multiliteracy(ies)
159, 170
- multimodal
- affordances
6, 11, 82, 149
- approach/ perspective
131, 137, 157
- network(s)
4, 220
; see also academic social network sites
- non-specialist communities87
- online genre(s)
9, 27, 28, 36, 65
see also digital genressee also evolution of online genres
- of/for science communication
2, 3, 44
- online lecture
6, 7
; see also OpenCourseWare lecture
- online scientific article
19, 22, 32
; see also digital scientific article
- open access
31, 47, 50, 108
- open peer review
36, 108, 109, 110
- papal
- encyclical197see also ACTA; Vatican discourse
- participation
26, 36, 51, 60, 67, 77, 136, 220, 225–226, 234
- peer review
3, 8, 11, 12, 28, 36, 43, 47, 51, 107, 108, 110
- PLOS25see also Public Library of Science
- Pontifical Academy of Sciences199
- popular science magazines154
- popularization(s)
73, 173, 174, 175, 176, 222, 229
- promotional
52, 59, 104, 140, 149, 225
- public(s)
3, 8, 46, 47, 132, 174, 219, 220
; see also communicating with the public
- public
- communication of science227
- understanding of science
203, 219
- Public Library of Science45see also PLOS
- questions (as interactive devices)96
- Real-Ideal pattern
176, 184
; see also visual grammar
- recontextualization
73, 90, 158, 173, 202
- strategies
81, 84, 90, 158
- referee comments/ referees’ comments
112, 113
- referees' reports
109, 110
- reformulation91
- and repetition strategies91
- registered reports
35, 43, 50
- remediation
4, 5, 136, 136n1
- replication crisis
43, 50
; see also reproducibility crisis
- representations of science/ technology196
- reproducibility crisis49see also replication crisis
- (re)production of science
219, 226, 235
- research article
6, 8, 19, 41, 60
; see also genre evolution
- Rich Internet Publications
6, 15
- Rowley-Jolivet, E.
2, 5, 82, 101
- Royal Society Open Science
35, 36, 51
- science blogs
9, 48, 49, 174
- science communication
2, 44, 90, 102
; see also online genres of science communication
- scientific
- communication
20, 25, 60, 82, 220
- community
5, 9, 28, 109, 222, 234
- journal article/ research article
19, 23–24, 41–56, 228–229
- semiotic
- mode(s)
66, 137, 154, 157, 160
- Situation-Problem-Solution-Evaluation (SPSE) structure176
- specialist discourse communities231
- stance
112, 173, 175, 176
- and engagement strategies
177, 191
- Stein, D.
19, 41, 93, 221–222, 224, 226, 233
- strategy(ies)
12, 87, 122, 133, 173, 175, 223, 225
; see also discursive strategiessee also discursive semiotic strategiessee also hyperlinking strategiessee also knowledge enhancement strategiessee also illustration strategiessee also multimodal strategiessee also politeness strategiessee also recontextualization strategiessee also reformulation and repetition strategiessee also rhetorical strategiessee also stance and engagement strategies
- summary(ies)143see also multimodal summary
- Swales, J. M.
1, 4, 21, 45, 48, 59–60, 62–63, 82, 86–87, 226
- technological affordances
2, 154
- text-focused ethnography222
- Three-Minute Thesis/ 3MT
81, 83, 85
- trans-scientific genres41see also parascientific genres
- van Leeuwen, T.
73, 76, 137, 157, 174, 176, 183, 184
- Vatican discourse195see also ACTA; papal address; papal encyclical; summary report
- video(s)
31, 84, 141, 163
see also author videos
- of experimental methods35
- visual metaphors
176, 184
- visual(s)
21, 31, 62
- in the scientific article
32, 63
- visualization of science28
- visualization(s)
31, 36, 76
- website(s)
132, 154, 158, 162, 182, 226
; see also academic websites