On agency and affiliation in second assessments
German and Swedish opinion verbs in
In this chapter, we discuss design features of second
assessments in German and Swedish conversation. We focus on
opinion-verb constructions (finden,
tycka) in full and reduced clausal formats. The
study shows that reduced formats are followed by sequence closure
while full formats are followed by more talk on the topic. We
explain this finding by arguing that by using reduced formats,
second speakers claim less agency and display low affiliation with
the first assessment, whereas full formats work in the opposite way.
The full and reduced opinion-verb constructions represent
standardized action patterns with recognizable implications, leading
to predictable interactional trajectories and coordinated
intersubjective behavior.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Agency and affiliation
- 3.Dealing with weak agency: Assessing in group interviews
- 4.Agency, alignment and sequence structure in agreeing second
- 4.1Sequence closure: Low agency
- 4.2Sequence closure: High(er) agency and low affiliation
- 4.3Sequence expansion: High(er) agency and no evaluative
- 5.Disagreeing second assessments
- 6.Conclusion
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