Chapter 1
Methodological insights for the study of communication in health
The study of communication as it relates to health and healthcare delivery has historically come from two key directions: research on provider-patient interaction and research on public health campaigns. This chapter will address the first of those areas as well as some other aspects of interpersonal health communication, as those are most relevant to the heart of the present volume. The present chapter will overview the significant directions that have been evident in health communication research and theory over the course of the last several decades. In addition to providing historical context for such work, important examples of research methods and relevant theory will be discussed.
Article outline
- 1.History
- 2.Theory
- 3.Commonly used research methods
- 3.1Instrument development
- 3.2Coding methods
- 3.3Experimental research
- 3.4Content analysis and narrative methods
- 4.Conversation analysis as a research method
- 4.1A brief history
- 4.2Conversation analytic roots in health communication
- 4.3CA investigations of diverse health interactions
- 5.Meta-analysis and systematic reviews
- 6.Less commonly used research methods/topics
- 7.New directions and methodological challenges
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