Cited by (85)

Cited by 85 other publications

Chen, Jiejun, Juliane House & Dániel Z. Kádár
Guillot-Barbance, Céline, Alexei Lavrentiev, F. Neveu, S. Prévost, A. Montébran, A. Steuckardt, G. Bergounioux, G. Merminod & G. Philippe
2024. Émergence du dialogue écrit en français : étude diachronique d’un corpus narratif (11e – 13e s.). SHS Web of Conferences 191  pp. 03002 ff. DOI logo
Ogiermann, Eva
2024. “Stay safe!” — A wish, advice, or an order?. Journal of Historical Pragmatics DOI logo
Yang, Yuanyu & Qiao Huang
2024. Review of Brinton (2023): Pragmatics in the History of English. Journal of Historical Pragmatics DOI logo
Kádár, Dániel Z., Gudrun Held & Annick Paternoster
2023. Introduction. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 24:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Lalić, Ana
2023. On the Sources of Spoken (Italian) Language in a Historical Perspective. Društvene i humanističke studije (Online) 8:3(24)  pp. 135 ff. DOI logo
Lalić, Ana
Landert, Daniela, Daria Dayter, Thomas C. Messerli & Miriam A. Locher
2023. Corpus Pragmatics, DOI logo
Marmaridou, Sophia
2023. Sociopragmatics and Context. In The Cambridge Handbook of Language in Context,  pp. 205 ff. DOI logo
Traugott, Elizabeth
2023. Context in Historical Linguistics. In The Cambridge Handbook of Language in Context,  pp. 49 ff. DOI logo
Denoyelle, Corinne & Julie Sorba
Hiltunen, Turo & Irma Taavitsainen
2022. Corpora, pragmatics, and historical medical discourse. In Corpus Pragmatic Studies on the History of Medical Discourse [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 330],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Tanno, Koji
2022. The role of discourse strategies in the grammaticalization of the Japanese discourse markerdakara. Language and Linguistics. 語言暨語言學  pp. 592 ff. DOI logo
Zhan, Fangqiong
2022. A constructional account of the development of the Chinese stance discourse markerběnlái. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 23:2  pp. 245 ff. DOI logo
Barron, Anne
2021. Synchronic and Diachronic Pragmatic Variability. In The Cambridge Handbook of Sociopragmatics,  pp. 182 ff. DOI logo
Kádár, Dániel Z., Juliane House, Fengguang Liu & Yulong Song
2021. Admonishing. Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA) 31:2  pp. 173 ff. DOI logo
Leitner, Magdalena & Andreas H. Jucker
2021. Historical Sociopragmatics. In The Cambridge Handbook of Sociopragmatics,  pp. 687 ff. DOI logo
Matthew Abua, Ebim
2021. A Discourse-Historical Reconstextulization of the Boko Haram Crises as a Representation of Ethnic Violence, Clashes and Armed Struggle. International Journal of Political Science and Public Administration 1:3  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Traugott, Elizabeth Closs
2021. The rise of a concessive “category reassessment” construction. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 22:2  pp. 164 ff. DOI logo
Dourdy, Laura-Maï & Michela Spacagno
2020. Donner la parole aux interrogés : une étude de l’oral représenté dans les comptes rendus de procès médiévaux aux XIV e  et XV e  siècles. Langages N° 217:1  pp. 119 ff. DOI logo
Evans, Mel
2020. Royal Voices, DOI logo
Kytö, Merja & Terry Walker
2020. L’interaction orale du passé : A Corpus of English Dialogues 1560–1760. Langages N° 217:1  pp. 55 ff. DOI logo
Lefeuvre, Florence & Gabriella Parussa
2020. L’oral représenté en diachronie et en synchronie : une voie d’accès à l’oral spontané ?. Langages N° 217:1  pp. 9 ff. DOI logo
Wiśniewska-Przymusińska, Malwina
2020. T/V Pronouns and FTAs inthe Works of Sir Thomas Malory: Medieval Politeness and Impoliteness in Directives, Expressives, and Commissives. Studia Anglica Posnaniensia 55:1  pp. 139 ff. DOI logo
Hall, Jon
2019. Seneca’s De Beneficiis and non-verbal politeness in ancient Rome. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 20:2  pp. 225 ff. DOI logo
Kádár, Dániel Z. & Yongping Ran
2019. Globalisation and Politeness: A Chinese Perspective. In From Speech Acts to Lay Understandings of Politeness,  pp. 280 ff. DOI logo
Lehto, Anu
2019. The representation of citizens and monarchy in Acts of Parliament in 1800 to 2000. In Corpus-based Research on Variation in English Legal Discourse [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 91],  pp. 235 ff. DOI logo
Unceta Gómez, Luis
2019. Conceptualizations of linguistic politeness in Latin. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 20:2  pp. 286 ff. DOI logo
Nuria Yáñez-Bouza, Emma Moore, Linda van Bergen & Willem B. Hollmann
2019. Categories, Constructions, and Change in English Syntax, DOI logo
Anglemark, Linnéa
2018. “Heav’n bess you, my Dear”. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 19:2  pp. 186 ff. DOI logo
Marcus, Imogen
2018. Introduction. In The Linguistics of Spoken Communication in Early Modern English Writing,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Nagy C., Katalin
2018. Történeti beszédaktus-kutatás: a középkori katalán plaure ’tetszik’ igével alkotott szerkezetekről. Jelentés és Nyelvhasználat 5:1  pp. 215 ff. DOI logo
Nagy C., Katalin
2021. Politeness in 13–16th Century Catalan. Acta Hispanica :III  pp. 49 ff. DOI logo
Nagy C., Katalin
2022. „Aki tud megköszönném”. Jelentés és Nyelvhasználat 9:1  pp. 15 ff. DOI logo
Nagy C., Katalin
2022. (Polite) directives in mediaeval Catalan. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 23:1  pp. 54 ff. DOI logo
Zvinaria, Marina Evgen'evna
Archer, Dawn
2017. Context and historical (socio-)pragmatics twenty years on. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 18:2  pp. 315 ff. DOI logo
Giuliani, Stephan
2017. A pragmatic approach to Joseph Wright’s English Dialect Dictionary . In Pragmatic markers, Discourse Markers and Modal Particles [Studies in Language Companion Series, 186],  pp. 399 ff. DOI logo
Mosegaard Hansen, Maj‑Britt
2016. Irma Taavitsainen, Andreas H. Jucker u. Jukka Tuominen (Hgg.): Diachronic Corpus Pragmatics . Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur 138:3  pp. 433 ff. DOI logo
Mäkilähde, Aleksi & Veli-Matti Rissanen
2016. Solidarity in Cicero’s letters: Methodological considerations in analysing the functions of code-switching. Pallas :102  pp. 237 ff. DOI logo
Schiegg, Markus
2016. Scribes’ Voices: The Relevance and Types of Early Medieval Colophons. Studia Neophilologica 88:2  pp. 129 ff. DOI logo
Schiegg, Markus
2016. How to do things with glosses. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 17:1  pp. 55 ff. DOI logo
2015. <i>Discourse Markers in Early Modern English</i>. ENGLISH LINGUISTICS 32:1  pp. 236 ff. DOI logo
Taavitsainen, Irma & Andreas H. Jucker
2015. Twenty years of historical pragmatics. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 16:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Conboy, Martin
2014. Exploring the language of the popular in American and British newspapers 1833–1988. Journal of Historical Pragmatics  pp. 159 ff. DOI logo
Grant, Colin J.
2014. Interview with Robert D. Fulk. Journal of English Linguistics 42:4  pp. 359 ff. DOI logo
Jucker, Andreas H. & Irma Taavitsainen
2014. Diachronic corpus pragmatics. In Diachronic Corpus Pragmatics [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 243],  pp. 3 ff. DOI logo
Schrott, Angela
2014. A matter of tradition and good advice. In Diachronic Corpus Pragmatics [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 243],  pp. 303 ff. DOI logo
Shinzato, Rumiko
2014. From degree/manner adverbs to pragmatic particles in Japanese. In Diachronic Corpus Pragmatics [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 243],  pp. 77 ff. DOI logo
Bryan, Eric Shane
2013. Indirect Aggression: A Pragmatic Analysis of the Quarrel of the Queens in Völsungasaga, Þiðreks Saga, and Das Nibelungenlied. Neophilologus 97:2  pp. 349 ff. DOI logo
Carroll, Ruth, Matti Peikola, Hanna Salmi, Mari-Liisa Varila, Janne Skaffari & Risto Hiltunen
2013. Pragmatics on the Page. European Journal of English Studies 17:1  pp. 54 ff. DOI logo
Kádár, Dániel Z.
2013. Historical politeness. In Handbook of Pragmatics,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Kádár, Dániel Z.
2014. Historical Pragmatics. In The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Kádár, Dániel Z.
2021. Historical Pragmatics. In The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Kádár, Dániel Z.
2022. Historical politeness. In Handbook of Pragmatics [Handbook of Pragmatics, ],  pp. 719 ff. DOI logo
Zheng, Haicui
2013. Book review: Jonathan Culpeper (ed.), Historical Sociopragmatics. Discourse Studies 15:6  pp. 779 ff. DOI logo
Busse, Beatrix
2012. A celebration of words and ideas: The stylistic potential of the Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary. Language and Literature: International Journal of Stylistics 21:1  pp. 84 ff. DOI logo
Grund, Peter J.
2012. The Nature of Knowledge: Evidence and Evidentiality in the Witness Depositions from the Salem Witch Trials. American Speech 87:1  pp. 7 ff. DOI logo
Grund, Peter J.
2018. Beyond speech representation. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 19:2  pp. 265 ff. DOI logo
Grund, Peter J.
2020. What it means to describe speech. In Late Modern English [Studies in Language Companion Series, 214],  pp. 295 ff. DOI logo
Placencia, María Elena & Carmen García
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Collins, Daniel E.
2011. Reconstructing the pragmatics of a medieval marriage negotiation (Novgorod 955). Russian Linguistics 35:1  pp. 33 ff. DOI logo
Diller, Hans-Jürgen
2011. Review of Mazzon (2009): Interactive Dialogue Sequences in Middle English Drama. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 12:1-2  pp. 294 ff. DOI logo
Defour, Tine & Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen
2010. “Positive Appraisal” as a Core Meaning ofwell: A Corpus-Based Analysis in Middle and Early Modern English Data. English Studies 91:6  pp. 643 ff. DOI logo
Nakayasu, Minako
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2006. Historical Pragmatics. In Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics,  pp. 329 ff. DOI logo
Brinton, Laurel J.
2005. Historical Discourse Analysis. In The Handbook of Discourse Analysis,  pp. 138 ff. DOI logo
Feulner, A.H.
2003. Journal of Historical Pragmatics. Volume 1, Number 1. Editors: A. H. JUCKER and I. TAAVITSAINEN. Kratylos 48:1  pp. 180 ff. DOI logo
Jucker, Andreas H
2003. Contrastive Analysis across Time: Issues in Historical Dialogue Analysis. In Contrastive Analysis in Language,  pp. 197 ff. DOI logo
Jucker, Andreas H.
2006. Historical pragmatics. In Handbook of Pragmatics,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Jucker, Andreas H.
2008. Historical Pragmatics. Language and Linguistics Compass 2:5  pp. 894 ff. DOI logo
Jucker, Andreas H.
2022. Historical pragmatics. In Handbook of Pragmatics [Handbook of Pragmatics, ],  pp. 744 ff. DOI logo
Sárosi, Zsófia
2003. Historical sociopragmatics: a new approach to the study of the history of Hungarian. Acta Linguistica Hungarica 50:3-4  pp. 435 ff. DOI logo
Kryk-Kastovsky, Barbara
2002. Review of Collins (2001): Reanimated Voices: Speech Reporting in a Historical-pragmatic Perspective. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 3:2  pp. 340 ff. DOI logo
Kohnen, Thomas
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2012. Review of Cummings (2010): The Pragmatics Encyclopedia. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 13:1  pp. 164 ff. DOI logo
Traugott, Elizabeth Closs & Richard B. Dasher
2001. Regularity in Semantic Change, DOI logo
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2003. Bibliography. In The Handbook of Historical Linguistics,  pp. 744 ff. DOI logo
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2006. Bibliography. In The Handbook of Pragmatics,  pp. 742 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
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[no author supplied]
2021. Fundamentals of Sociopragmatics. In The Cambridge Handbook of Sociopragmatics,  pp. 13 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
[no author supplied]
2021. Approaches and Methods in Sociopragmatics. In The Cambridge Handbook of Sociopragmatics,  pp. 567 ff. DOI logo

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