Responding in Conversation
A study of response particles in Finnish
This book concerns particles that are used as responses in conversations. It provides much needed methodological tools for analyzing the use of response particles in languages, while its particular focus is Finnish. The book focuses on two Finnish particles, nii(n) and joo, which in some of their central usages have “yeah” and “yes” as their closest English counterparts. The two particles are discussed in a number of sequential and activity contexts, including their use as answers to yes-no questions and directives, as responses to a stance-taking by the prior speaker, and in the midst of an extended telling by the co-participant. It will be shown how there is a fine-grained division of labor between the particles, having to do with the epistemic and affective character of the talk and the continuation vs. closure-relevance of the activity. The book connects the interactional usages of the particles with what is known about their historical origins, and in this fashion it is also of interest to linguists doing research on processes of grammaticalization and lexicalization.
[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 70] 2001. x, 330 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 21 October 2008
Published online on 21 October 2008
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements | pp. ix–x
Introduction | pp. 1–8
Background information of the particles joo and niin | pp. 9–12
Indexicality, interjections and actions by recipients in interaction | pp. 13–32
Responses to yes/no questions | pp. 33–92
Responses to directives | pp. 93–129
Responses to affiliation-relevant utterances in A-event environments | pp. 131–165
Responses to affiliation-relevant utterances concerning a mutually known issue | pp. 167–208
Responses to informings and some other usages | pp. 209–278
Concluding discussion | pp. 279–289
Appendix A | pp. 291–295
Appendix B | p. 297
Notes | pp. 299–303
Name index | pp. 321–323
Subject index | pp. 325–330
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CF: Linguistics
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LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General