Michael Tomasello | Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig
My approach to reference focuses on naturally occuring processes of communication, and in particular on children's earliest referential activities. I begin by describing three different kinds of child gesture — ritualizations, deictics, and symbolic gestures — and then proceed to examine young children's early word learning. The account focuses on the joint attentional situations in which young children learn their earliest gestures and linguistic symbols and on the social-cognitive and cultural learning processes involved in the different cases.
2019. What Can Eye Movements Tell Us about Subtle Cognitive Processing Differences in Autism?. Vision 3:2 ► pp. 22 ff.
Tomasello, Michael & Josep Call
2019. Thirty years of great ape gestures. Animal Cognition 22:4 ► pp. 461 ff.
Wu, Qian
2018. Communicating emotions in L2 Chinese: Talk in the dorm during study abroad. Global Chinese 4:2 ► pp. 337 ff.
Davies, Oliver
2016. Niche construction, social cognition, and language: hypothesizing the human as the production of place. Culture and Brain 4:2 ► pp. 87 ff.
Dempsey, Liam P. & Itay Shani
2015. Three misconceptions concerning strong embodiment. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 14:4 ► pp. 827 ff.
Pinsent, Andrew
2015. Neurotheological Eudaimonia. In Handbook of Neuroethics, ► pp. 1603 ff.
Veneziano, Edy
2015. Théories de l’esprit et acquisition du langage chez le jeune enfant. Spirale N° 75:3 ► pp. 119 ff.
Gallotti, Mattia
2012. A Naturalistic Argument for the Irreducibility of Collective Intentionality. Philosophy of the Social Sciences 42:1 ► pp. 3 ff.
Shani, Itay
2011. Review of Radu J. Bogdan’s Predicative Minds: The Social Ontogeny of Propositional Thinking. Philosophy of the Social Sciences 41:4 ► pp. 596 ff.
Kelly, Spencer D., Tara McDevitt & Megan Esch
2009. Brief training with co-speech gesture lends a hand to word learning in a foreign language. Language and Cognitive Processes 24:2 ► pp. 313 ff.
Preissler, Melissa Allen
2008. Associative learning of pictures and words by low-functioning children with autism. Autism 12:3 ► pp. 231 ff.
Brink, Ingar
2005. Joint Attention, Triangulation and Radical Interpretation: A problem and its Solution. Dialectica 58:2 ► pp. 179 ff.
Rogers, Sally J., Ian Cook & Adrienne Meryl
2005. Imitation and Play in Autism. In Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders, ► pp. 382 ff.
Allen Preissler, Melissa & Susan Carey
2004. Do Both Pictures and Words Function as Symbols for 18- and 24-Month-Old Children?. Journal of Cognition and Development 5:2 ► pp. 185 ff.
Preissler, Melissa Allen & Susan Carey
2005. The role of inferences about referential intent in word learning: Evidence from autism. Cognition 97:1 ► pp. B13 ff.
Brinck, Ingar & Peter Gärdenfors
2003. Co–operation and Communication in Apes and Humans. Mind & Language 18:5 ► pp. 484 ff.
Tomasello, Michael & Katharina Haberl
2003. Understanding attention: 12- and 18-month-olds know what is new for other persons.. Developmental Psychology 39:5 ► pp. 906 ff.
Tomasello, Michael & Hannes Rakoczy
2003. What Makes Human Cognition Unique? From Individual to Shared to Collective Intentionality. Mind & Language 18:2 ► pp. 121 ff.
Tomassello, Michael
2003. The Human Adaptation for Culture. In Handbook of Evolution, ► pp. 1 ff.
Roberts, Lawrence D
2002. How words have content: an explanatory hypothesis based on developmental psychology. Language & Communication 22:1 ► pp. 83 ff.
Thoermer, Claudia & Beate Sodian
2001. Preverbal infants' understanding of referential gestures. First Language 21:63 ► pp. 245 ff.
Tomasello, Michael
1999. The Human Adaptation for Culture. Annual Review of Anthropology 28:1 ► pp. 509 ff.
Tomasello, Michael
2000. Do young children have adult syntactic competence?. Cognition 74:3 ► pp. 209 ff.
2007. Acquiring Linguistic Constructions. In Handbook of Child Psychology,
Tomasello, Michael
2018. How children come to understand false beliefs: A shared intentionality account. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115:34 ► pp. 8491 ff.
Tomasello, Michael
2020. The role of roles in uniquely human cognition and sociality. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 50:1 ► pp. 2 ff.
2022. Wie Kinder falsche Überzeugungen verstehen lernen:Ein Konzept der geteilten Intentionalität. In Soziales Lernen, Beziehung und Mentalisieren, ► pp. 76 ff.
[no author supplied]
2005. REFERENCES. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development 70:1 ► pp. 123 ff.
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