Alicia Martínez-Flor

List of John Benjamins publications for which Alicia Martínez-Flor plays a role.


L2 Pragmatics in Action: Teachers, learners and the teaching-learning interaction process

Edited by Alicia Martínez-Flor, Ariadna Sánchez-Hernández and Júlia Barón

[Language Learning & Language Teaching, 58] 2023. xxii, 343 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Discourse studies | Language acquisition | Language teaching | Multilingualism | Pragmatics

Speech Act Performance: Theoretical, empirical and methodological issues

Edited by Alicia Martínez-Flor and Esther Usó-Juan

[Language Learning & Language Teaching, 26] 2010. xiv, 277 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language teaching | Pragmatics
Barón, Júlia, M. Luz Celaya and Alicia Martínez-Flor 2024 Multimodal input and L2 pragmatics: An eye-tracking studyAudiovisual Input and Second Language Learning, Muñoz, Carmen and Imma Miralpeix (eds.), pp. 126–149 | Chapter
Analyzing the effects of multimodal input in the acquisition of second/foreign language (L2) pragmatics is a recent area in research. In this line, the use of eye-tracking to investigate L2 pragmatics remains limited (Godfroid, 2019). This study aimed to explore the effects of multimodal input… read more
Martínez-Flor, Alicia 2023 Chapter 5. Teachers’ awareness and beliefs towards corrective feedback in L2 pragmaticsL2 Pragmatics in Action: Teachers, learners and the teaching-learning interaction process, Martínez-Flor, Alicia, Ariadna Sánchez-Hernández and Júlia Barón (eds.), pp. 113–141 | Chapter
Corrective feedback (CF) has been regarded as a complex phenomenon with cognitive, social and psychological dimensions influencing its effectiveness for language development. Despite the extensive research conducted on its impact on morphosyntactic aspects of the language, CF on pragmatic aspects… read more
Martínez-Flor, Alicia, Ariadna Sánchez-Hernández and Júlia Barón 2023 Chapter 1. L2 pragmatics in action: Teachers, learners and the teaching-learning interaction processL2 Pragmatics in Action: Teachers, learners and the teaching-learning interaction process, Martínez-Flor, Alicia, Ariadna Sánchez-Hernández and Júlia Barón (eds.), pp. 3–27 | Chapter
Over the last four decades, interlanguage pragmatics studies have paid special attention to instructional pragmatics; that is, to what extent instruction plays a role in developing learners’ second/foreign language (L2) pragmatic ability in instructional settings (Plonsky & Zhuang, 2019).… read more
Martínez-Flor, Alicia 2012 Examining EFL learners’ long-term instructional effects when mitigating requestsInterlanguage Request Modification, Economidou-Kogetsidis, Maria and Helen Woodfield (eds.), pp. 243–274 | Article
The role of instruction in the field of interlanguage pragmatics has been regarded as having a positive effect on learners’ pragmatic development. However, most of the interventional studies conducted have only reported the immediate effects of instruction. Considering the need to examine the… read more
Martínez-Flor, Alicia 2010 Suggestions: How social norms affect pragmatic behaviourSpeech Act Performance: Theoretical, empirical and methodological issues, Martínez-Flor, Alicia and Esther Usó-Juan (eds.), pp. 257–274 | Article
Suggestions are acts in which the speaker asks the hearer to perform an action that will potentially benefit the hearer (Rintell, 1979). Despite this fact, they have been regarded as face-threatening acts, since the speaker is in some way intruding into the hearer’s world by performing an act that… read more
Martínez-Flor, Alicia and Esther Usó-Juan 2010 Pragmatics and speech act performanceSpeech Act Performance: Theoretical, empirical and methodological issues, Martínez-Flor, Alicia and Esther Usó-Juan (eds.), pp. 3–20 | Article
Pragmatics, a branch of linguistics which studies communicative actions in their sociocultural context, has been the focus of attention of a number of scholars over the last few decades (Rose & Kasper, 2001). Given the importance of this area of research to develop competent users of a given… read more