Andrew Pawley
List of John Benjamins publications for which Andrew Pawley plays a role.
Grammarians' languages versus humanists' languages and the place of speech act formulas in models of linguistic competence Formulaic Language: Volume 1. Distribution and historical change, Corrigan, Roberta, Edith A. Moravcsik, Hamid Ouali and Kathleen Wheatley (eds.), pp. 3–26 | Chapter
2009 The paper begins by observing that the notion of what a language consists of is problematical, reflected in one scholar's comment that, for the interpreter of texts, “language appears to begin where analytical grammar leaves off”. Section 2 describes ‘speech act formulas’ as conventional bundles of… read more
On the origins of serial verb constructions in Kalam Syntactic Complexity: Diachrony, acquisition, neuro-cognition, evolution, Givón, T. and Masayoshi Shibatani (eds.), pp. 119–144 | Article
2009 In Kalam, a Trans New Guinea language spoken in Papua New Guinea, there are two main types of serial verb construction (SVC), showing different degrees of morphosyntactic complexity. Compact SVCs contain from two to four verb roots that form a single, semantically and syntactically very tight-knit… read more
From event sequence to grammar: serial verb constructions in Kalam Case, Typology and Grammar: In honor of Barry J. Blake, Siewierska, Anna and Jae Jung Song (eds.), pp. 201–228 | Article
1998 15 Kalam Exponents of Lexical and Semantic Primitives Semantic and Lexical Universals: Theory and empirical findings, Goddard, Cliff and Anna Wierzbicka (eds.), pp. 387–422 | Chapter
1994 Encoding events in Kalam and English: different logics for reporting experience Coherence and Grounding in Discourse: Outcome of a Symposium, Eugene, Oregon, June 1984, Tomlin, Russell S., pp. 329–360 | Article