Martina Penke

List of John Benjamins publications for which Martina Penke plays a role.


The Role of Phonology in Reading

Edited by Martina Penke

Special issue of Written Language & Literacy 11:2 (2009) 150 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Language teaching | Pragmatics | Writing and literacy

What Counts as Evidence in Linguistics: The case of innateness

Edited by Martina Penke and Anette Rosenbach

[Benjamins Current Topics, 7] 2007. x, 297 pp.
Subjects Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

What Counts as Evidence in Linguistics?: The case of innateness

Edited by Martina Penke and Anette Rosenbach

Special issue of Studies in Language 28:3 (2004) 280 pp.
Subjects Functional linguistics | Theoretical linguistics | Typology
Children with Down syndrome (DS) have difficulty comprehending complex syntactic structures. Ring and Clahsen (2005) attribute these problems to a specific syntactic deficit that affects A(=argument) movement. We investigated the comprehension of passive sentences (A-movement) and wh-questions… read more
Penke, Martina 2009 Introduction: The role of phonology in readingThe Role of Phonology in Reading, Penke, Martina (ed.), pp. 97–102 | Article
Penke, Martina and Kathrin Schrader 2009 The role of phonology in visual word recognition: Reading acquisition vs. skilled readingThe Role of Phonology in Reading, Penke, Martina (ed.), pp. 167–190 | Article
The goal of this paper is to investigate the role phonology plays for visual word recognition and the change this role undergoes in the course of reading acquisition by providing data on German readers at different stages of reading proficiency. Erroneous responses in a semantic decision task,… read more
Penke, Martina and Anette Rosenbach 2007 What counts as evidence in linguistics? An introductionWhat Counts as Evidence in Linguistics: The case of innateness, Penke, Martina and Anette Rosenbach (eds.), pp. 1–49 | Article
Penke, Martina and Anette Rosenbach 2004 What counts as evidence in linguistics? An introductionWhat Counts as Evidence in Linguistics?: The case of innateness, Penke, Martina and Anette Rosenbach (eds.), pp. 480–526 | Article
Penke, Martina and Marion Krause-Burmester 2004 Regular and irregular inflectional morphology in German Williams syndromeWilliams Syndrome across Languages, Bartke, Susanne and Julia Siegmüller (eds.), pp. 245–270 | Article