Maria Polinsky

List of John Benjamins publications for which Maria Polinsky plays a role.



Movement Theory of Control

Edited by Norbert Hornstein and Maria Polinsky

[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 154] 2010. vii, 330 pp.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Causatives and Transitivity

Edited by Bernard Comrie and Maria Polinsky

[Studies in Language Companion Series, 23] 1993. x, 399 pp.
Subjects Functional linguistics | Theoretical linguistics | Typology
Fuchs, Zuzanna, Maria Polinsky and Gregory Scontras 2024 Chapter 12. Explaining gender: Lessons from heritage SpanishMultifaceted Multilingualism, Grohmann, Kleanthes K. (ed.), pp. 292–326 | Chapter
This work examines the knowledge of grammatical gender by bilingual speakers for whom Spanish is the weaker language in the dyad, that is, heritage speakers of Spanish. In modeling heritage speakers’ knowledge and use of grammatical gender, we distinguish between gender assignment (how nouns get… read more
This study investigates restructuring in heritage language (HL) grammars with a special focus on the driving forces behind changes in the underlying grammar. We evaluate the effect of Age of Onset of bilingualism (AoO) on possible grammatical restructuring. Relatedly, we assess whether HL… read more
This article examines the knowledge of topic and subject particles in heritage speakers and L2 learners of Japanese and Korean. We assume that topic marking is mediated at the syntax-information structure interface, while subject marking pertains to narrow syntax. In comparing phenomena mediated… read more
Polinsky, Maria 2016 Looking aheadAdvances in Spanish as a Heritage Language, Pascual y Cabo, Diego (ed.), pp. 325–346 | Article
Polinsky, Maria and Eric Potsdam 2014 Topics at the left periphery in RussianPerspectives on Linguistic Structure and Context: Studies in honor of Knud Lambrecht, Katz Bourns, Stacey and Lindsy L. Myers (eds.), pp. 109–130 | Article
This paper analyses a paradigm in Russian in which a preposed nominal stranding a numeral can show (paucal) number connectivity, with a gap following the numeral, or can appear in a non-agreeing (plural) form: (1) theater-paucal/plural, there were three. paucal__ Numerous syntactic diagnostics… read more
Plaster, Keith, Maria Polinsky and Boris Harizanov 2013 Noun classes grow on trees: Noun classification in the North-East CaucasusLanguage Typology and Historical Contingency: In honor of Johanna Nichols, Bickel, Balthasar, Lenore A. Grenoble, David A. Peterson and Alan Timberlake (eds.), pp. 153–170 | Article
Noun classes (genders) have long played an important role in the understanding of language structure and human categorization. This study presents and analyzes the division of nouns into classes in Tsez (Dido), an endangered Nakh-Dagestanian language of the North-East Caucasus. Computational… read more
Hornstein, Norbert and Maria Polinsky 2010 Control as movement: Across languages and constructionsMovement Theory of Control, Hornstein, Norbert and Maria Polinsky (eds.), pp. 1–42 | Article
Kwon, Nayoung, Philip J. Monahan and Maria Polinsky 2010 Object control in Korean: A backward control impostorMovement Theory of Control, Hornstein, Norbert and Maria Polinsky (eds.), pp. 299–328 | Article
This chapter presents and analyzes three constructions associated with object control in Korean. The constructions differ in the case marking and position of the controllee. We show that in one of these constructions, the controllee, marked in the nominative, appears in the embedded clause. At… read more
Benmamoun, Elabbas, Archna Bhatia and Maria Polinsky 2009 Closest conjunct agreement in head final languagesLinguistic Variation Yearbook 2009, van Craenenbroeck, Jeroen (ed.), pp. 67–88 | Article
We discuss the phenomenon of closest conjunct agreement with a special focus on head-final languages; we present data from two such languages, Hindi and Tsez, which allow agreement with the rightmost conjunct when the verb follows the conjoined phrase. This contrasts with head-initial languages,… read more
Kwon, Nayoung and Maria Polinsky 2008 4. What does coordination look like in a head-final language?Asymmetric Events, Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Barbara (ed.), pp. 87–102 | Article
Theories of clause linking treat coordination and subordination as mutually exclusive. In this paper, we examine a case where the surface distinction between coordination and subordination is obscured. Concentrating on the-ko construction in Korean, we show that a clause chain can be structurally… read more
Polinsky, Maria 2008 Without aspectCase and Grammatical Relations: Studies in honor of Bernard Comrie, Corbett, Greville G. and Michael Noonan (eds.), pp. 263–282 | Article
This paper presents and analyzes the encoding of aspect in Heritage Russian (HR), an incompletely acquired language spoken by those for whom another language became dominant at an early age. The HR aspectual system is distinct from the baseline. Aspectual distinctions are lost due to the leveling… read more
Polinsky, Maria 2007 What on earth: Non-referential interrogativesThe Grammar–Pragmatics Interface: Essays in honor of Jeanette K. Gundel, Hedberg, Nancy and Ron Zacharski (eds.), pp. 245–262 | Article
Polinsky, Maria and Bernard Comrie 2003 Constraints on Reflexivization in TsezCurrent Trends in Caucasian, East European and Inner Asian Linguistics: Papers in honor of Howard I. Aronson, Holisky, Dee Ann and Kevin Tuite (eds.), pp. 265–289 | Article
Comrie, Bernard and Maria Polinsky 1999 Form and Function in Syntax: Relative clauses in TsezFunctionalism and Formalism in Linguistics: Volume II: Case studies, Darnell, Michael, Edith A. Moravcsik, Michael Noonan, Frederick J. Newmeyer and Kathleen Wheatley (eds.), pp. 77 ff. | Article
Polinsky, Maria and Bernard Comrie 1999 Possessor Raising in a Language that Does Not Have AnyExternal Possession, Payne, Doris L. and Immanuel Barshi (eds.), pp. 523 ff. | Article
Comrie, Bernard and Maria Polinsky 1998 The great Daghestan case coaxCase, Typology and Grammar: In honor of Barry J. Blake, Siewierska, Anna and Jae Jung Song (eds.), pp. 95 ff. | Article
Kozinsky, Isaac and Maria Polinsky 1993 Causee and patient in the causative of transitive: coding conflict or doubling of grammatical relations?Causatives and Transitivity, Comrie, Bernard and Maria Polinsky (eds.), pp. 177 ff. | Article