Giorgio Francesco Arcodia

List of John Benjamins publications for which Giorgio Francesco Arcodia plays a role.


Linguistic Categories, Language Description and Linguistic Typology

Edited by Luca Alfieri, Giorgio Francesco Arcodia and Paolo Ramat

[Typological Studies in Language, 132] 2021. vi, 424 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics | Typology
Alfieri, Luca, Giorgio Francesco Arcodia and Paolo Ramat 2021 Chapter 1. Linguistic categories, language description and linguistic typology – An overviewLinguistic Categories, Language Description and Linguistic Typology, Alfieri, Luca, Giorgio Francesco Arcodia and Paolo Ramat (eds.), pp. 1–34 | Chapter
In this paper we propose a critical discussion of the rationale for this volume. After a short introduction (Section 1), an outline of the long-standing opposition between language particular description and universal grammar in the history of the language sciences is provided (Section 2). This… read more
Arcodia, Giorgio Francesco 2021 Chapter 10. The on-line construction of meaning in Mandarin Chinese: Focus on relative clausesBuilding Categories in Interaction: Linguistic resources at work, Mauri, Caterina, Ilaria Fiorentini and Eugenio Goria (eds.), pp. 271–294 | Chapter
Mandarin Chinese employs a fairly wide range of constructions to encode categories, and specifically ad hoc categories. These include, for instance, a general extender as 等等 děng(děng) ‘etc., and so on’, non-exhaustive connectives as 啊 ā… 啊 ā (see Zhang 2008),… read more
Arcodia, Giorgio Francesco 2017 On Sinitic influence on Macanese: Focus on indirect causationLanguage Ecology 1:2, pp. 158–184 | Article
Macanese, the near-extinct Portuguese creole of Macao, is an understudied contact language with strong Malayo-Portuguese features. It is also characterised by Sinitic influence, which however has sometimes been downplayed in the literature (see Ansaldo and Matthews 2004). In this paper, I argue… read more
Arcodia, Giorgio Francesco, Bianca Basciano and Chiara Melloni 2015 Areal perspectives on total reduplication of verbs in SiniticThe Why and How of Total Reduplication: Current Issues and New Perspectives, Rossi, Daniela (ed.), pp. 836–872 | Article
The topic of reduplication in Sinitic languages has attracted much attention in the literature, but studies adopting a comparative and areal perspective are still lacking. This paper aims to analyse the correlations between form and function in reduplicating constructions in a sample of twenty… read more
Arcodia, Giorgio Francesco 2014 The Chinese adjective as a word classWord Classes: Nature, typology and representations, Simone, Raffaele and Francesca Masini (eds.), pp. 95–118 | Article
It has often been claimed that Chinese does not have an independent class of adjectives, which are seen by some authors as a subclass of verbs (cf. Li & Thompson 1981; Hengeveld 1992; Tang 1998, among others). In this paper, I shall first provide evidence for the status of adjectives as an… read more
Arcodia, Giorgio Francesco 2014 Diachrony and the polysemy of derivational affixesMorphology and Meaning: Selected papers from the 15th International Morphology Meeting, Vienna, February 2012, Rainer, Franz, Francesco Gardani, Hans Christian Luschützky and Wolfgang U. Dressler (eds.), pp. 127–140 | Article
In this paper we discuss two cases of seemingly polysemous derivational affixes: the Ewe suffix -ví, originally a noun meaning “child”, which has acquired a number of different semantic values in word formation, as e.g. “inexperienced” (núfíáláví “inexperienced teacher”) or “person who adheres to… read more
Arcodia, Giorgio Francesco, Nicola Grandi and Bernhard Wälchli 2010 Coordination in compoundingCross-Disciplinary Issues in Compounding, Scalise, Sergio and Irene Vogel (eds.), pp. 177–198 | Article
This chapter deals with the expression of coordination relations in compounding. Two macro-types of compounds are identified, namely hyperonymic coordinating compounds (co-compounds), where the referent of the compound is in a superordinate relationship to the meaning of the parts (as Mandarin… read more