Tetsuya Sano

List of John Benjamins publications for which Tetsuya Sano plays a role.


Sano, Tetsuya, Hiroyuki Shimada and Yoshiki Fujiwara 2017 Chapter 6. The acquisition of the non-subject status of nominative objects in JapaneseStudies in Chinese and Japanese Language Acquisition: In honor of Stephen Crain, Nakayama, Mineharu, Yi-ching Su and Aijun Huang (eds.), pp. 127–144 | Chapter
This paper examines the L1 acquisition of the Japanese nominative object construction and discusses its implication for the Universal Phase Requirement (UPR) Hypothesis in Wexler (2004) and Hirsch and Wexler (2007). Although the results of our first experiment could be interpreted as evidence… read more
Sano, Tetsuya 2013 Remarks on theoretical accounts of Japanese children’s passive acquisitionGenerative Linguistics and Acquisition: Studies in honor of Nina M. Hyams, Becker, Misha, John Grinstead and Jason Rothman (eds.), pp. 35–64 | Article
This paper compares two theoretical accounts of developmental delay in children’s acquisition of verbal passives. First, Borer and Wexler (1987) and subsequent works attempt to explain the delay by proposing that young children lack the ability to form an A-chain (A-chain Deficit Hypothesis (ACDH)). read more