Mojca Pecman

List of John Benjamins publications for which Mojca Pecman plays a role.


Kübler, Natalie, Hanna Martikainen, Alexandra Mestivier and Mojca Pecman 2024 Chapter 4. Post-editing neural machine translation in specialised languages: The role of corpora in the translation of phraseological structuresRecent Advances in Multiword Units in Machine Translation and Translation Technology, Monti, Johanna, Gloria Corpas Pastor, Ruslan Mitkov and Carlos Manuel Hidalgo-Ternero (eds.), pp. 57–78 | Chapter
This study focuses on phraseology in specialised texts and on students’ difficulties pertaining to phraseology in post-editing neural machine translation output. It is undertaken within the corpus-based methodological framework that we have developed for several purposes, one of which being to… read more
Pecman, Mojca and Natalie Kübler 2022 Chapter 12. Text genres and TerminologyTheoretical Perspectives on Terminology: Explaining terms, concepts and specialized knowledge, Faber, Pamela and Marie-Claude L'Homme (eds.), pp. 263–290 | Chapter
Terminology is intrinsically linked to textual genres. Text genres became an essential component of terminological research and practice in the context of Corpus-based and Textual Terminology. These approaches placed a spotlight on specific terminological features according to genre types and… read more
In Languages for Specific Purposes (LSPs), variation and term formation are often seen as related phenomena, variation being interpreted as a sign of neology. In scientific discourse though, variation can play specific roles, thereby giving a different dimension to neology as a linguistic process… read more
Pecman, Mojca 2012 Tentativeness in term formation: A study of neology as a rhetorical device in scientific papersNeology in Specialized Communication, Cabré, Teresa, Rosa Estopà and Chelo Vargas-Sierra (eds.), pp. 27–58 | Article
The study on term formation presented in this paper is related to the problem of determining the function of neologisms in scientific communication and to the issue of processing the concomitant variation, typical of such new denominations. Our analysis of scientific texts shows that neologisms… read more
The present chapter explores the many problems that occur in processing bilingual phraseology and strives to offer concrete solutions. The methodological framework and reflection are based on empirical research into English-French phraseology for academic and scientific purposes. The ultimate goal… read more