Eveline T. Feteris

List of John Benjamins publications for which Eveline T. Feteris plays a role.

Book series


Keeping in touch with Pragma-Dialectics: In honor of Frans H. van Eemeren

Edited by Eveline T. Feteris, Bart Garssen and Francisca Snoeck Henkemans

[Not in series, 163] 2011. vi, 283 pp.
Subjects Communication Studies | Philosophy | Pragmatics
In this contribution I identify prototypical patterns in the justification of judicial decisions. From a pragma-dialectical perspective, I explain the nature and rationale for the argumentative patterns from the perspective of the institutional function of legal justification and I distinguish… read more
Feteris, Eveline T. 2017 Chapter 4. The role of the judge in legal proceedings: A pragma-dialectical analysisContextualizing Pragma-Dialectics, Eemeren, Frans H. van and Peng Wu (eds.), pp. 59–76 | Chapter
In this contribution I discuss the role of pragmatic argumentation referring to consequences, goals and values in complex structures of legal justification. From a pragma-dialectical perspective I describe the stereotypical patterns of legal justification in hard cases and specify the different… read more
Feteris, Eveline T. 2012 Chapter 9. Strategic manoeuvring in the case of the ‘Unworthy spouse’Exploring Argumentative Contexts, Eemeren, Frans H. van and Bart Garssen (eds.), pp. 149–164 | Article
In this contribution I give an analysis of strategic manoeuvring in a legal context. I give an analysis of the argumentation in the justification of the decision by the Dutch Supreme Court in the famous case of the ‘Unworthy Spouse’ and I describe how the Supreme Court operates strategically within… read more
In this contribution I characterize the role of the judge in the context of the argumentative activity of legal proceeding. I describe the role of the judge from a pragma-dialectical perspective and explain in which way this role promotes a rational resolution of the dispute. I specify how a… read more
Feteris, Eveline T., Bart Garssen and Francisca Snoeck Henkemans 2011 IntroductionKeeping in touch with Pragma-Dialectics: In honor of Frans H. van Eemeren, Feteris, Eveline T., Bart Garssen and Francisca Snoeck Henkemans (eds.), pp. 1–4 | Article
Feteris, Eveline T., Leo Groarke and H. José Plug 2011 Strategic maneuvering with visual arguments in political cartoons: A pragma-dialectical analysis of the use of topoi that are based on common cultural heritageKeeping in touch with Pragma-Dialectics: In honor of Frans H. van Eemeren, Feteris, Eveline T., Bart Garssen and Francisca Snoeck Henkemans (eds.), pp. 59–74 | Article