Arnim von Stechow
List of John Benjamins publications for which Arnim von Stechow plays a role.
Wh-Scope Marking
Edited by Uli Lutz, Gereon Müller and Arnim von Stechow
Subjects Generative linguistics | Semantics | Syntax
Articles (8) | Order by:
Lutz, Uli, Gereon Müller and Arnim von Stechow 2000
Introduction Wh- Scope Marking , Lutz, Uli, Gereon Müller and Arnim von Stechow (eds.), pp. 1–16 | Miscellaneous
Stechow, Arnim von 2000
Partial Wh-Movement, Scope marking, and Transparent Logical Form Wh- Scope Marking , Lutz, Uli, Gereon Müller and Arnim von Stechow (eds.), pp. 447–478 | Article
Stechow, Arnim von 1995
Lexical decomposition in syntax Lexical Knowledge in the Organization of Language , Egli, Urs, Peter E. Pause, Christoph Schwarze, Arnim von Stechow and Götz Wienold (eds.), pp. 81–118 | Article
Stechow, Arnim von 1990
Status Government and Coherence in German Scrambling and Barriers , Grewendorf, Günther and Wolfgang Sternefeld (eds.), pp. 143–198 | Article
Stechow, Arnim von 1979
Deutsche wortstellung und montaque grammatik Linear Order and Generative Theory , Meisel, Jürgen M. and Martin D. Pam (eds.), pp. 317–490 | Article