Miguel Pérez-Milans

List of John Benjamins publications for which Miguel Pérez-Milans plays a role.

Book series



Language, Epistemology, and the Politics of Knowledge Production

Edited by Alfonso Del Percio, Patricia Baquedano-López, Miguel Pérez-Milans and Cécile B. Vigouroux

Special issue of Language, Culture and Society 3:2 (2021) v, 135 pp.
Subjects Anthropological Linguistics | Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Semiotics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Subjects Applied linguistics
Pérez-Milans, Miguel and Guo (Grace) Xiaoyan 2020 Hoping for success, becoming a spiritual subject: Converted returnees in ChinaLanguage, Culture and Society 2:2, pp. 197–226 | Article
This article focuses on the entanglement of trajectories of transnational education/work and religious conversion among Chinese overseas students who move to the UK before returning to China. In contrast to the existing literature on returnees where the gaze is only turned on highly prestigious… read more
Pérez-Milans, Miguel 2016 Reflexivity and social change in applied linguisticsReflexivity in Late Modernity: Accounts from linguistic ethnographies of youth, Pérez-Milans, Miguel (ed.), pp. 1–14 | Introduction
This article engages with Archer’s call to further research on reflexivity and social change under conditions of late modernity (2007, 2010, 2012) from the perspective of existing work on reflexive discourse in the language disciplines (Silverstein 1976, Lucy 1993). Drawing from a linguistic… read more
Este artículo reflexiona sobre las potencialidades y limitaciones del método etnográfico para el estudio sociolingüístico de los procesos de movilidad asociados a la nueva economía globalizada. En particular, se analizan los dilemas metodológicos derivados de un viaje de investigación entre el… read more