Otto Zwartjes

List of John Benjamins publications for which Otto Zwartjes plays a role.


Book series

Subjects History of linguistics | Language documentation

Quot homines tot artes: New Studies in Missionary Linguistics

Edited by Otto Zwartjes and E.F.K. Koerner †

Special issue of Historiographia Linguistica 36:2/3 (2009) vii, 292 pp.
Subjects History of linguistics
The main purpose of this paper is to analyze Spanish linguistic terms and their translations into Arabic in Pedro de Alcalá’s (c.1455–post 1505) Vocabulista arauiga en letra castellana, the first printed missionary Spanish–Arabic dictionary, which appeared together with his Arte para ligeramente… read more
There is no need to repeat earlier complaints that the historiography of missionary linguistics was being neglected, since the situation has changed considerably sine the last decades of the past century. The first decade of the 21st century in particular has witnessed a veritable explosion of… read more
Villanueva, Rebeca Barriga and Otto Zwartjes 2009 Bibliography of Thomas Cedric Smith-Stark, 1973–2009Quot homines tot artes: New Studies in Missionary Linguistics, Zwartjes, Otto and E.F.K. Koerner † (eds.), pp. 213–221 | Article
Zwartjes, Otto 2009 Biographical Notice on Thomas Cedric Smith-Stark (1948–2009)Quot homines tot artes: New Studies in Missionary Linguistics, Zwartjes, Otto and E.F.K. Koerner † (eds.), pp. 207–211 | Article
Zwartjes, Otto and Even Hovdhaugen 2004 IntroductionMissionary Linguistics/Lingüística misionera: Selected papers from the First International Conference on Missionary Linguistics, Oslo, 13–16 March 2003, Zwartjes, Otto and Even Hovdhaugen (eds.), pp. 1 ff. | Miscellaneous
The paper explores three grammars of two indigenous languages of Brazil written in Portuguese during the colonial period: two grammars of the Tupi language composed by José Anchieta (1534–1597) in 1595 and Luís Figueira (1575–1643) in 1621 (2nd ed., 1687), and one grammar of the Kiriri language,… read more