Elena Semino

List of John Benjamins publications for which Elena Semino plays a role.


Book series


Cognitive Stylistics: Language and cognition in text analysis

Edited by Elena Semino and Jonathan Culpeper

[Linguistic Approaches to Literature, 1] 2002. xvi, 333 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Cognitive linguistics | Pragmatics | Theoretical literature & literary studies
Collins, Luke, Vaclav Brezina, Zsófia Demjén, Elena Semino and Angela Woods 2023 Corpus linguistics and clinical psychology: Investigating personification in first-person accounts of voice-hearingInternational Journal of Corpus Linguistics 28:1, pp. 28–59 | Article
Triangulating corpus linguistic approaches with other (linguistic and non-linguistic) approaches enhances “both the rigour of corpus linguistics and its incorporation into all kinds of research” (McEnery & Hardie, 2012: 227). Our study investigates an important area of mental health research:… read more
Deignan, Alice and Elena Semino 2022 Metaphors and meaning-making in young people’s talk about climate changeDynamism in Metaphor and Beyond, Colston, Herbert L., Teenie Matlock and Gerard J. Steen (eds.), pp. 191–204 | Chapter
Climate change is of especial relevance to young people, yet studies have found that there is no consistent approach to teaching about it in terms of either scientific facts or societal implications. In the UK, it is taught in different elements of the curriculum, but as knowledge to be tested,… read more
Semino, Elena and Jonathan Culpeper 2022 StylisticsHandbook of Pragmatics: Manual, Verschueren, Jef and Jan-Ola Östman (eds.), pp. 1345–1354 | Chapter
Olza, Inés, Veronika Koller, Iraide Ibarretxe-Antuñano, Paula Pérez-Sobrino and Elena Semino 2021 The #ReframeCovid initiative: From Twitter to society via metaphorMetaphor and the Social World 11:1, pp. 98–120 | Article
From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, governments, health agencies, public institutions and the media around the world have made use of metaphors to talk about the virus, its effects and the measures needed to reduce its spread. Dominant among these metaphors have been war metaphors (e.g.… read more
Semino, Elena 2019 Chapter 15. Afterword: Some reflections on MIPVU across languagesMetaphor Identification in Multiple Languages: MIPVU around the world, Nacey, Susan, Aletta G. Dorst, Tina Krennmayr and W. Gudrun Reijnierse (eds.), pp. 313–321 | Chapter
The second largest party in the Italian Parliament, the ‘5-Star Movement’, is led by comedian-turned-politician Beppe Grillo. Grillo is well-known for a distinctive and often inflammatory rhetoric, which includes the regular use of humorous but insulting epithets for other politicians, such as… read more
Demjén, Zsófia, Elena Semino and Veronika Koller 2016 Metaphors for ‘good’ and ‘bad’ deaths: A health professional viewMetaphor and the Social World 6:1, pp. 1–19 | Article
This paper discusses the metaphors used by sixteen palliative healthcare professionals from around the United Kingdom in semi-structured interviews to describe what they see as ‘good’ and ‘bad’ deaths. The interviews, conducted for the large-scale “Metaphor in End-of-Life Care” project, are set… read more
Semino, Elena 2016 Chapter 10. A corpus-based study of ‘mixed metaphor’ as a metalinguistic commentMixing Metaphor, Gibbs, Jr., Raymond W. (ed.), pp. 203–222 | Article
This chapter investigates the use of the expression ‘mixed metaphor’ as a metalinguistic comment in the two-billion-word Oxford English Corpus. I consider the co-text of 141 occurrences of ‘mixed metaphor’ in the corpus, in order to shed light on the kinds of uses of metaphors that writers opt to… read more
Demmen, Jane, Elena Semino, Zsófia Demjén, Veronika Koller, Andrew Hardie, Paul Rayson and Sheila Payne 2015 A computer-assisted study of the use of Violence metaphors for cancer and end of life by patients, family carers and health professionalsInternational Journal of Corpus Linguistics 20:2, pp. 205–231 | Article
This study combines quantitative semi-automated corpus methods with manual qualitative analysis to investigate the use of Violence metaphors for cancer and end of life in a 1,500,000-word corpus of data from three stakeholder groups in healthcare: patients, family carers and healthcare… read more
Semino, Elena 2013 The adaptation of metaphors across genresMetaphor and Metonymy revisited beyond the Contemporary Theory of Metaphor: Recent developments and applications, Gonzálvez-García, Francisco, María Sandra Peña-Cervel and Lorena Pérez-Hernández (eds.), pp. 133–155 | Article
In this paper I consider the ways in which a metaphor that was first introduced in an article on pain mechanisms published in Science has been adapted and developed in a selection of texts that can be broadly described as ‘educational’: a neuroscience website aimed at children, a self-help guide… read more
Semino, Elena 2012 Unrealistic scenarios, metaphorical blends and rhetorical strategies across genresTextual Choices in Discourse: A view from cognitive linguistics, Dancygier, Barbara, José Sanders and Lieven Vandelanotte (eds.), pp. 111–135 | Article
In this paper I discuss a form of metaphorical creativity that involves the introduction of ‘unrealistic’ scenarios for rhetorical purposes in expository and argumentative texts. I primarily account for the nature and function of this form of creativity in terms of Fauconnier and Turner’s (2002)… read more
Semino, Elena 2011 The adaptation of metaphors across genresMetaphor and metonymy revisited beyond the Contemporary Theory of Metaphor: Recent developments and applications, Gonzálvez-García, Francisco, María Sandra Peña-Cervel and Lorena Pérez-Hernández (eds.), pp. 130–152 | Article
In this paper I consider the ways in which a metaphor that was first introduced in an article on pain mechanisms published in Science has been adapted and developed in a selection of texts that can be broadly described as ‘educational’: a neuroscience website aimed at children, a self-help guide… read more
Semino, Elena and Jonathan Culpeper 2011 StylisticsPragmatics in Practice, Östman, Jan-Ola and Jef Verschueren (eds.), pp. 295–305 | Article
In this paper I discuss a form of metaphorical creativity that involves the introduction of ‘unrealistic’ scenarios for rhetorical purposes in expository and argumentative texts. I primarily account for the nature and function of this form of creativity in terms of Fauconnier and Turner’s (2002)… read more
Short, Mick and Elena Semino 2008 7. Evaluation and stylistic analysisThe Quality of Literature: Linguistic studies in literary evaluation, Peer, Willie van (ed.), pp. 117–137 | Article
Semino, Elena 2002 A cognitive stylistic approach to mind style in narrative fictionCognitive Stylistics: Language and cognition in text analysis, Semino, Elena and Jonathan Culpeper (eds.), pp. 95–122 | Chapter
Semino, Elena and Jonathan Culpeper 2002 ForewordCognitive Stylistics: Language and cognition in text analysis, Semino, Elena and Jonathan Culpeper (eds.), pp. ix–xvi | Miscellaneous
In this paper, we highlight the centrality of verbs relating to verbal activities in witchcraft narratives in the Early Modern English period, and focus on speech act verbs used to refer to witches’ curses. In the first part, we refer to various classifications of speech act verbs and to Searle’s… read more
Semino, Elena and Jonathan Culpeper 1995 StylisticsHandbook of Pragmatics: Manual, Verschueren, Jef, Jan-Ola Östman and Jan Blommaert † (eds.), pp. 513–520 | Article