Gabriella Rundblad
List of John Benjamins publications for which Gabriella Rundblad plays a role.
Cross-language priming as a means of investigating bilingual conceptual representations: A comparison of visual and auditory modality Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 6:4, pp. 440–466 | Article
2016 Cross language priming in the visual modality is a well-established paradigm that offers insights into the representation of the bilingual mental lexicon; however, here we employ a novel form of priming, (i.e., an animacy decision task), to test previous outcomes. In addition, this study is the… read more
We, ourselves and who else? Differences in use of passive voice and metonymy for oneself versus other researchers in medical research articles English Text Construction 1:1, pp. 23–40 | Article
2008 The role of passive voice as a device used in medical and scientific discourse to mystify the author is clearly articulated and well-known. Through analysis of the Methods section of nine medical research articles, this paper shows that metonymy is another frequently used impersonalisation strategy… read more
Folk-Etymology: Haphazard Perversion or Shrewd Analogy? Lexicology, Semantics and Lexicography: Selected papers from the Fourth G. L. Brook Symposium, Manchester, August 1998, Coleman, Julie and Christian Kay (eds.), pp. 19–34 | Article