Tabea Reiner
List of John Benjamins publications for which Tabea Reiner plays a role.
Chapter 6. Comparative concepts are not a different kind of thing Linguistic Categories, Language Description and Linguistic Typology, Alfieri, Luca, Giorgio Francesco Arcodia and Paolo Ramat (eds.), pp. 211–248 | Chapter
2021 This contribution challenges the by now established notion of comparative concepts; in particular, it can be read as a (delayed) response to Haspelmath (2010). Like Haspelmath’s original paper, the present one is theoretical in essence, with examples used primarily for illustration. My main point… read more
Variation in non-finiteness and temporality from a canonical perspective Morphological Variation: Theoretical and empirical perspectives, Dammel, Antje and Oliver Schallert (eds.), pp. 283–310 | Chapter
2019 In this paper, I take widely varying data on the occurrence and acceptability of overt future infinitives in German as evidence for their current emergence. Such a change, however, seems to conflict with a (tentative) prediction from Canonical Typology: Temporally marked infinitives are less… read more