Pedro Mogorrón Huerta

List of John Benjamins publications for which Pedro Mogorrón Huerta plays a role.

Referencias culturales: Retos en la traducción de la fraseología y del lenguaje de especialidad

Editado por Mireia López-Simó, Pedro Mogorrón Huerta y Analía Cuadrado-Rey

[IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature, 43] 2024. xiv, 242 pp. + index
Subjects Translation Studies

Les variations diatopiques dans les expressions figées

Sous la direction de Pedro Mogorrón Huerta, Aude Grezka et Lucía Navarro-Brotons

Special issue of Lingvisticæ Investigationes 43:2 (2020) vi, 211 pp.
Subjects Computational & corpus linguistics | Generative linguistics | Lexicography | Romance linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Fraseología, Diatopía y Traducción / Phraseology, Diatopic Variation and Translation

Edited by Pedro Mogorrón Huerta and Antonio Albaladejo-Martínez

Subjects Lexicography | Semantics | Syntax | Translation Studies

Spanish Phraseology: Varieties and variations

Edited by Pedro Mogorrón Huerta and Xavier Blanco

Special issue of Lingvisticæ Investigationes 38:2 (2015) v, 159 pp.
Subjects Computational & corpus linguistics | Generative linguistics | Lexicography | Romance linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Mogorrón Huerta, Pedro 2024 Nuevos retos (de recepción y comprensión intersemióticos) para la accesibilidad: Los referentes culturalesAccesibilidad, traducción y nuevas tecnologías, Navarro-Brotons, Lucía, Analía Cuadrado-Rey y Iván Martínez-Blasco (ed.), pp. 7–42 | Chapter
In this article, after defining the concept of cultural reference and limiting its treatment to the study of phraseological units and intertextual references, we address these two phenomena in order to show the difficulty that users without visual or acoustic perception problems have in… read more
Mogorrón Huerta, Pedro 2020 La polysémie dans les constructions verbales figées de l’espagnolLes variations diatopiques dans les expressions figées, Mogorrón Huerta, Pedro, Aude Grezka et Lucía Navarro-Brotons (dir.), pp. 241–264 | Article
Dans le cadre de cet article, nous analysons les Constructions Verbales Figées de l’espagnol présentes dans une base de données de 40.900 entrées afin de traiter la polysémie. Nous analysons premièrement les CVF polysémiques et leur nombre de significations afin d’établir une classification… read more
Mogorrón Huerta, Pedro, Aude Grezka et Lucía Navarro-Brotons 2020 Les variations diatopiques dans les expressions figéesLes variations diatopiques dans les expressions figées, Mogorrón Huerta, Pedro, Aude Grezka et Lucía Navarro-Brotons (dir.), pp. 169–171 | Introduction
Mogorrón Huerta, Pedro 2018 La influencia de las lenguas indígenas precolombinas en las UF del españolFraseología, Diatopía y Traducción / Phraseology, Diatopic Variation and Translation, Mogorrón Huerta, Pedro and Antonio Albaladejo-Martínez (eds.), pp. 111–132 | Chapter
Blanco, Xavier et Pedro Mogorrón Huerta 2015 PrésentationSpanish Phraseology: Varieties and variations, Mogorrón Huerta, Pedro and Xavier Blanco (eds.), pp. 189–190 | Article
Mogorrón Huerta, Pedro 2015 La variation dans les Constructions Verbales Figées de l’espagnol d’AmériqueSpanish Phraseology: Varieties and variations, Mogorrón Huerta, Pedro and Xavier Blanco (eds.), pp. 276–300 | Article
Traditionally, research papers on fixed expressions emphasize the fact that those sequences are fixed compared to constructions with free components. After one study which was carried out in 2010 through which we were able to prove that a considerable number of verbal fixed expressions in common… read more
It has been traditionally believed that the main characteristic of set phrases is precisely their fixed nature. This paper gathers the results of a thorough study of verbal set phrases in Spanish, which was developed to observe this feature and for which a database of 15,300 expressions was used.… read more
The present work is based on the methodological setting of the LADL studies. In order to establish the body subject to analysis, we selected only the fixed phrases N0 ser/estar Prep X. In this way, we have collected 1138 expressions involving estar Prep X, and 534 with ser Prep X. In order to… read more