Zoë Zawadzki

List of John Benjamins publications for which Zoë Zawadzki plays a role.



Levis, John M. and Zoë Zawadzki 2023 Recent dissertations on L2 pronunciationJournal of Second Language Pronunciation 9:1, pp. 1–19 | Editorial
This editorial summarizes 40 recent dissertations (2018–2023) on L2 pronunciation topics. Although it was nearly impossible to pigeonhole dissertations into single sub-categories (e.g., pronunciation training studies often also address questions of intelligibility), we have organized them into… read more
L2 pronunciation research has recently seen an increasing amount of documentary research approaches, which use previous research or other documentation of the field as the primary data to synthesize and quantify the findings of previous research on specific topics, such as the effects of… read more
This editorial provides an overview of how language use has been measured in second language acquisition (SLA) research and how it can be implemented in studies on pronunciation. The use of surveys and questionnaires, self-reports, and other methods is discussed along with the limitations of… read more