Ilana Mushin
List of John Benjamins publications for which Ilana Mushin plays a role.
Discourse and Grammar in Australian Languages
Edited by Ilana Mushin and Brett Baker
[Studies in Language Companion Series, 104] 2008. x, 239 pp.
Subjects Australian languages | Pragmatics | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Evidentiality and Epistemological Stance: Narrative Retelling
Ilana Mushin
[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 87] 2001. xviii, 240 pp.
Subjects Balto-Slavic linguistics | Discourse studies | Germanic linguistics | Japanese linguistics | Pragmatics | Semantics
Linguistic structures in social interaction: Moving temporality to the forefront of a science of language Interactional Linguistics 1:1, pp. 2–32 | Article
2021 In this introductory paper to the inaugural volume of the journal Interactional Linguistics, we raise the question of what a theory of language might look like once we factor time into explanations of regularities in linguistic phenomena. We first present a historical overview that… read more
Locational pointing in Murrinhpatha, Gija, and English conversations Gesture 20:3, pp. 417–452 | Article
2021 It has been suggested that the gestural accuracy used by speakers of Australian Aboriginal languages like Guugu Yimidhirr and Arrernte to indicate directions and represent topographic features is a consequence of absolute frame of reference being dominant in these languages; and that the… read more
Chapter 9. Multiple nominal expressions in Garrwa conversation The ‘Noun Phrase’ across Languages: An emergent unit in interaction, Ono, Tsuyoshi and Sandra A. Thompson (eds.), pp. 211–236 | Chapter
2020 Noun phrases have long been a contested category in studies of Australian language grammars. In this chapter I use a corpus of conversations in the Northern Australian language Garrwa to show how the syntactic and prosodic design of referring expressions consisting of a demonstrative nominal and… read more
Chapter 5. Diverging from ‘business as usual’: Turn-initial ngala in Garrwa conversation Between Turn and Sequence: Turn-initial particles across languages, Heritage, John and Marja-Leena Sorjonen (eds.), pp. 119–154 | Chapter
2018 This paper presents the first detailed attempt to analyse the interactional functions of a turn-initial particle in an Australian Aboriginal language. The Garrwa particle ngala has grammatical properties of a clause connector that sets up a contrast between two simultaneous but distinct events… read more
Rethinking Australian Aboriginal English-based speech varieties: Evidence from Woorabinda Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 31:1, pp. 82–112 | Article
2016 The colonial history of Australia necessitated contact between nineteenth and twentieth century dialects of English and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island languages. This has resulted in the emergence of contact languages, some of which have been identified as creoles (e.g. Sandefur 1979, Shnukal… read more
Linguistic cues for recipient design in an Indigenous Australian conversational narrative Narrative in ‘societies of intimates’, Stirling, Lesley, Jennifer Green, Tania Strahan and Susan Douglas (eds.), pp. 217–256 | Article
2016 This article presents an examination of some of the linguistic and interactional features of a story emerging from talk in a remote Indigenous Australian community. In the data used here, the storyteller is an elderly Garrwa woman in Borroloola who speaks Garrwa and Kriol. The focus is on how the… read more
Same but different: Understanding language contact in Queensland Indigenous settlements Land and Language in Cape York Peninsula and the Gulf Country, Verstraete, Jean-Christophe and Diane Hafner (eds.), pp. 383–408 | Article
2016 In this paper we examine the historical and social factors associated with language contact in three Queensland settlements – Yarrabah, Cherbourg and Woorabinda – and discuss the impact these may have had on the emergence of the English-lexified vernacular languages associated with these… read more
“Watching for witness”: Evidential strategies and epistemic authority in Garrwa conversation Evidentiality in Interaction, Nuckolls, Janis B. and Lev Michael (eds.), pp. 103–126 | Article
2014 Linguistic forms with dedicated evidential meanings have been described for a number of Australian languages (eg. Donaldson 1980, Laughren 1982, Wilkins 1989) but there has been little written on how these are used in social interaction. This chapter examines evidential strategies in ordinary… read more
Liminal pronoun systems: Evidence from Garrwa Language Description Informed by Theory, Pensalfini, Rob, Myfany Turpin and Diana Guillemin (eds.), pp. 99–122 | Article
2014 Pronoun systems are often described as a single linguistic category consisting of a paradigm of forms that serve as referential indices, or as “dual” systems consisting of more than one paradigm. In dual systems, a paradigm of “bound” pronouns serves the basic referential functions usually for core… read more
“Watching for witness”: Evidential strategies and epistemic authority in Garrwa conversation Evidentiality in Interaction, Nuckolls, Janis B. and Lev Michael (eds.), pp. 270–293 | Article
2012 Linguistic forms with dedicated evidential meanings have been described for a number of Australian languages (eg. Donaldson 1980, Laughren 1982, Wilkins 1989) but there has been little written on how these are used in social interaction. This paper examines evidential strategies in ordinary Garrwa… read more
Discourse and grammar in Australian languages Discourse and Grammar in Australian Languages, Mushin, Ilana and Brett Baker (eds.), pp. 1–23 | Article
2008 Diverging paths: Variation in Garrwa tense/aspect clitic placement Discourse and Grammar in Australian Languages, Mushin, Ilana and Brett Baker (eds.), pp. 87–109 | Article
2008 This paper presents an account of variations in the clausal position of two tense/aspect markers in the Garrwa language, primarily whether they occur before or after a pronoun as part of a second position clitic cluster. The analysis considers how different paths of grammaticalisation in the… read more
Clause-initial position in four Australian languages Discourse and Grammar in Australian Languages, Mushin, Ilana and Brett Baker (eds.), pp. 25–57 | Article
2008 Word order in Australian languages has frequently been described as “free” or subject to pragmatic or discourse constraints rather than governed by syntactic rules. This paper examines both the pragmatic and syntactic factors which motivate the placement of constituents in clause initial position.… read more
Post-start-up overlap and disattentiveness in talk in a Garrwa Community Language as Action, Nevile, Maurice and Johanna Rendle-Short (eds.), pp. 35.1–35.14 | Article
2007 Overlap in conversation is a well-established area of conversation analysis research (e.g. Jefferson 1983; Schegloff 2000) which can reveal how participants orient to transition relevance places. This paper presents an analysis of overlap in the mixed (Garrwa, Kriol and English) language… read more
Narrative functions of clause linkage in Garrwa: A perspective analysis Studies in Language 29:1, pp. 1–33 | Article
2005 Clause linkage has long been associated with the cohesive narrative functions of temporal organisation and participant tracking (eg. Givon 1983a, Myhill & Hibiya 1988). In this paper I use data from Garrwa, a language of Northern Australia, to show that in addition to these functions, clause… read more