Foong Ha Yap

List of John Benjamins publications for which Foong Ha Yap plays a role.


ISSN 0176-4225 | E-ISSN 1569-9714


Nominalization in Asian Languages: Diachronic and typological perspectives

Edited by Foong Ha Yap, Karen Grunow-Hårsta and Janick Wrona

[Typological Studies in Language, 96] 2011. xvii, 796 pp.
Subjects Historical linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics | Typology
Previous studies using diachronic data from the Sejong Historical Corpus have traced the semantic extension of voice marker -eci from middle to passive uses (e.g. Ahn & Yap 2017). In this study, based on data from the Sejong Contemporary Spoken Corpus, we further examine the relationship between… read more
Brosig, Benjamin, Foong Ha Yap and Kathleen Ahrens 2019 Assertion, presumption and presupposition: An account of the erstwhile nominalizer YUM in Khalkha MongolianStudies in Language 43:4, pp. 896–940 | Article
In this paper, we analyze the clitic YUM (< ‘thing’) in Khalkha Mongolian which, in different syntactic contexts, reinforces assertiveness or expresses different shades of presumption or presupposition. The former holds for declaratives where the presence of YUM conveys the speaker’s strong… read more
Gipper, Sonja and Foong Ha Yap 2019 Chapter 9. Life of =ti: Use and grammaticalization of a clausal nominalizer in YurakaréNominalization in Languages of the Americas, Zariquiey, Roberto, Masayoshi Shibatani and David W. Fleck (eds.), pp. 363–390 | Chapter
In this paper, we investigate the uses of the clausal nominalizer =ti in Yurakaré, a linguistic isolate spoken in Bolivia. Clauses nominalized with =ti can serve a variety of functions: filling an argument position, relativization, forming the complement of a complement-taking verb, and expressing… read more
Ahn, Mikyung and Foong Ha Yap 2017 From middle to passive: A diachronic analysis of Korean - eci constructionsDiachronica 34:4, pp. 437–469 | Article
This paper examines the relationship between middle and passive voice constructions in Korean, in particular how they have come to share the same grammatical marker -eci. Based on diachronic data from the UNICONC (Korean historical) database, spanning Old, Middle and Modern Korean (15th to 20th… read more
Chor, Winnie, Foong Ha Yap and Tak-Sum Wong 2016 Chinese interrogative particles as talk coordinators at the right periphery: A discourse–pragmatic perspectivePeriphery – Diachronic and Cross-Linguistic Approaches, Higashiizumi, Yuko, Noriko O. Onodera and Sung-Ock S. Sohn (eds.), pp. 178–207 | Article
This paper examines how utterance-final interrogative particles in Chinese contribute to the management of local and global coherence in conversational discourse. Using Schiffrin’s (1987) model of discourse coherence, and focusing in particular on the Cantonese particle ho2 we show how an… read more
This paper examines how hearsay evidential markers in Korean are used within the pragmatic domain to serve a wide range of epistemic and politeness functions. In particular, we focus on a new paradigm of hearsay evidential markers — more specifically, the V-ta ha-X > V-ta-X type, among them -tako,… read more
Ahn, Mikyung and Foong Ha Yap 2014 On the development of Korean SAY evidentials and their extended pragmatic functionsDiachronica 31:3, pp. 299–336 | Article
This paper examines the development of five hearsay evidential markers in Korean, namely, tako, tamye, tamyense, tanun and tanta, and traces their extended pragmatic functions in discourse. We first identify their functions over time, from Middle Korean to Modern and Contemporary Korean, then… read more
Yap, Foong Ha and Winnie Chor 2014 Epistemic, evidential and attitudinal markers in clause-medial position in CantoneseModes of Modality: Modality, typology, and universal grammar, Leiss, Elisabeth and Werner Abraham (eds.), pp. 219–260 | Article
This paper examines two types of clause-medial stance markers in Cantonese.* We trace the evolution of these stance markers from their lexical origins as complement-taking psych verbs and directional verbs. Similar to English I think parentheticals, the evolution of the Cantonese psych verbs (e.g.… read more
Yap, Foong Ha 2011 Referential and non-referential uses of nominalization constructions in MalayNominalization in Asian Languages: Diachronic and typological perspectives, Yap, Foong Ha, Karen Grunow-Hårsta and Janick Wrona (eds.), pp. 627–658 | Article
This paper examines three versatile morphemes – yang, -nya and punya – that contribute to the formation of nominalization constructions in Malay. In particular, we examine how these morphemes give rise to both referential and non-referential uses of nominalization constructions. We also highlight… read more
Yap, Foong Ha and Jiao Wang 2011 From light noun to nominalizer and more: The grammaticalization of zhe and suo in Old and Middle ChineseNominalization in Asian Languages: Diachronic and typological perspectives, Yap, Foong Ha, Karen Grunow-Hårsta and Janick Wrona (eds.), pp. 61–108 | Article
In this paper, we examine how Chinese light nouns zhe and suo evolved into agent and patient nominalizers respectively. The link between nominalization, relativization and genitivization is explored from a grammaticalization perspective; likewise the frequent relationship between nominalization and… read more
Yap, Foong Ha, Karen Grunow-Hårsta and Janick Wrona 2011 Introduction: Nominalization strategies in Asian languagesNominalization in Asian Languages: Diachronic and typological perspectives, Yap, Foong Ha, Karen Grunow-Hårsta and Janick Wrona (eds.), pp. 1–58 | Article
This paper examines a wide range of nominalization strategies found in Asian languages, and identifies robust grammaticalization pathways that trace the life of versatile nominalizers, particularly those that develop from light nouns and noun phrase markers such as classifiers, plural markers,… read more
Yap, Foong Ha, Fanny Pik-ling Choi and Kam-siu Cheung 2010 Delexicalizing di: How a Chinese noun has evolved into an attitudinal nominalizerFormal Evidence in Grammaticalization Research, Van linden, An, Jean-Christophe Verstraete and Kristin Davidse (eds.), pp. 63–92 | Article
This paper traces the semantic extension of the Chinese locative/spatial noun di (‘bottom’) into a nominalizer, which further develops into a relativizer and genitive marker, and also into an adverbial subordinator and an attitudinal or stance marker. As subordinator and stance marker, di is… read more
Yap, Foong Ha and Stephen Matthews 2008 The development of nominalizers in East Asian and Tibeto-Burman languagesRethinking Grammaticalization: New perspectives, López-Couso, María José and Elena Seoane (eds.), pp. 309–341 | Article
This paper presents evidence of recurring patterns as well as of language-specific variations in the development of nominalizers across several East Asian and Tibeto-Burman languages. Special attention is pa to the different grammaticalization pathways of nominalizer morphemes and to the links… read more
Yap, Foong Ha, Stephen Matthews and Kaoru Horie 2004 From pronominalizer to pragmatic marker: Implications for unidirectionality from a crosslinguistic perspectiveUp and down the Cline – The Nature of Grammaticalization, Fischer, Olga, Muriel Norde and Harry Perridon (eds.), pp. 137–168 | Article
Lord, Carol, Foong Ha Yap and Shoichi Iwasaki 2002 Grammaticalization of ‘give’: African and Asian perspectivesNew Reflections on Grammaticalization, Wischer, Ilse and Gabriele Diewald (eds.), pp. 217–235 | Article