Peter Lauwers
List of John Benjamins publications for which Peter Lauwers plays a role.
Lexical plurals and beyond
Edited by Peter Lauwers and Marie Lammert
Special issue of Lingvisticæ Investigationes 39:2 (2016) v, 201 pp.
Subjects Computational & corpus linguistics | Generative linguistics | Lexicography | Romance linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Pragmatic Markers and Pragmaticalization: Lessons from false friends
Edited by Peter Lauwers, Gudrun Vanderbauwhede and Stijn Verleyen
[Benjamins Current Topics, 44] 2012. v, 160 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Pragmatic Markers and Pragmaticalization: Lessons from false friends
Edited by Peter Lauwers, Gudrun Vanderbauwhede and Stijn Verleyen
Special issue of Languages in Contrast 10:2 (2010) vi, 168 pp.
Subjects Comparative linguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Répondre présent/absent: Histoire d’un couple de locutions attributives délocutives Revue Romane 54:2, pp. 278–299 | Article
2019 This paper offers a diachronic analysis of a pair of subject complement constructions (répondre présent/absent: litt. ‘to answer “present”/“absent”) originating from quotative expressions. It shows how they lexicalized into fixed expressions denoting a routinized “delocutive” (Benveniste)… read more
Les pluriels lexicaux dits « massifs » face au conditionneur universel Lexical plurals and beyond, Lauwers, Peter and Marie Lammert (eds.), pp. 272–288 | Article
2016 Cette contribution s’intéresse aux pluriels lexicaux en français. Elle montre que les pluriels lexicaux sont toujours dans la portée de dérivations ultérieures qui restaurent le statut [+ comptable], comme cela ressort notamment de la présence de déterminants indéfinis fortement individualisants.… read more
Introduction: New perspectives on lexical plurals Lexical plurals and beyond, Lauwers, Peter and Marie Lammert (eds.), pp. 207–216 | Introduction
2016 Chapter 3. From lexicalization to constructional generalizations: On complex prepositions in French Romance Perspectives on Construction Grammar, Boas, Hans C. and Francisco Gonzálvez-García (eds.), pp. 79–111 | Article
2014 This article deals with French constructions such as sous l’emprise de (‘under the influence of’), which have been called locutions prépositives (complex prepositions) in the French linguistic tradition. Putting the issue of lexicalization aside, I establish regular complex form-meaning patterns (i. read more
Between adjective and noun: Category/function mismatch, constructional overrides and coercion Word Classes: Nature, typology and representations, Simone, Raffaele and Francesca Masini (eds.), pp. 203–226 | Article
2014 This contribution examines the issue of non-canonical usages of lexical items in French, which, as a result of their use in a construction typical of another word class than the one they are usually associated with, exhibit mixed word class properties. Starting from two case-studies:
(i) a. le… read more
Le prix est (de) 15 euros: On copular constructions expressing quantification in French Constructions in French, Bouveret, Myriam and Dominique Legallois (eds.), pp. 233–256 | Article
2012 The status of copular constructions expressing quantification, such as “le prix est (de) 15 euros) is examined with respect to prototypical specificational constructions (Le prix est quinze euros) and to predicational constructions involving quantification. It appears that the copular construction… read more
Introduction: How false friends give true hints about pragmatic markers Pragmatic Markers and Pragmaticalization: Lessons from false friends, Lauwers, Peter, Gudrun Vanderbauwhede and Stijn Verleyen (eds.), pp. 1–10 | Article
2012 Une analyse en miroir de deux semi-copules évidentielles : s’avérer et se révéler Revue Romane 47:1, pp. 49–75 | Article
2012 This paper offers a corpus-based study of two evidential (semi-)copular verbs in French. It deals with their degree of synonymy and the extent to which they are grammaticalized as semi-copulas. First, the study of subcategorization and semantic restrictions of both the direct and indirect (marked)… read more
How false friends give true hints about pragmatic markers Pragmatic Markers and Pragmaticalization: Lessons from false friends, Lauwers, Peter, Gudrun Vanderbauwhede and Stijn Verleyen (eds.), pp. 129–138 | Article
2010 Review of Cresti, E. & M. Moneglia, éds (2005) C-Oral-Rom. Integrated Reference Corpora for Spoken Romance Languages La centration sur l'apprenant en didactique du FLE: En hommage à Jean Binon, Desmet, Piet et Serge Verlinde (dir.), pp. 147–148 | Review
2007 La notion de ‘test syntaxique’ dans les grammaires de la première moitié du 20e siècle Lingvisticæ Investigationes 25:1, pp. 49–70 | Article
2002 Summary Since the dawn of structuralism and generativism, linguists have not ceased to criticize a lack of scientific rigour in «traditional» grammar. Nowadays, the scientific character of syntax crucially depends on the use of syntactic tests. It appears, however, that this concept was not… read more
Délimitation et ‘Perspectivation’ dans L’historiographie de la Théorie Stilistique Historiographia Linguistica 29:3, pp. 379–390 | Review article
2002 Dialectology, Philology and Linguistics in the Romance Field: Methodological Developments and Interactions Variation in (Sub)standard language, Belemans, Rob and Reinhild Vandekerckhove (eds.), pp. 177–203 | Article
1999 Abstract. This contribution offers a historical survey of the views adopted by Romance scholars in methodological discussions tied up with dialectological work conducted between 1875 and 1925. Following an initial phase in which dialectology was strongly linked to folklore-based work and was mainly… read more