Petar Milin

List of John Benjamins publications for which Petar Milin plays a role.



Romain, Laurence, Dagmar Hanzlíková, Petar Milin and Dagmar Divjak 2024 Ruled by construal? Framing article choice in EnglishConstructions and Frames 16:1, pp. 1–29 | Article
In cognitive linguistics, grammatical structure is known to be representative of meaning. This is also true of English articles. In this paper, we argue that the choice of article, when the grammar allows it, is dependent on the wider discourse context and most importantly on how the speaker… read more
Nenadić, Filip, Petar Milin and Benjamin V. Tucker 2021 Relative entropy effects on the processing of spoken Romanian verbsThe Mental Lexicon 16:1, pp. 23–48 | Article
A multitude of studies show the relevance of both inflectional paradigms (word form frequency distributions, i.e., inflectional entropy) and inflectional classes (whole class frequency distributions) for visual lexical processing. Their interplay has also been proven significant, measured as the… read more